What is bursitis and how to treat it?

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursa – a membrane-lined pouch filled with an oil-like fluid. The bursa works as a β€œcushion”, preventing friction between bones, muscles and tendons.

While it is common for this injury to occur in the shoulders, it can also affect the hips, knees, feet and elbows.

Usually pain in the region and difficulty moving due to pain are the main symptoms that we really have bursitis.

But what exactly causes bursitis? How to treat it correctly? Find out below!

What causes bursitis?

The main cause of bursitis is repetitive motion of the joints. For example, someone who works as a janitor or painter may develop the arm injury; a tennis player or Olympic runner may develop bursitis in the feet and knees.

What is bursitis and how to treat it?
fotokostic /123RF

Inflammation usually lasts about 20 days if the treatment is done correctly, but this time can be extended if the condition worsens. Bursitis only gets worse if rest is not respected and the affected bursa continues to suffer abnormal strains or continuous tension.

What are the other symptoms of bursitis?

In addition to pain and limitation of movement in the affected region, we can also identify swelling and redness.

It is also necessary to pay attention to calcareous bursitis, which, in some cases, accompanies the common bursitis of an inflammation in the tendon, inciting a deposit of calcium within its fibers.

Can bursitis be chronic?

Unfortunately, yes, bursitis can be either acute or chronic.

The most common is acute bursitis, which often appears more than once in the same region. Chronic bursitis, on the other hand, can be related to existing chronic diseases in the individual, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, among others.

Is Bursitis Curable?

The good news is that bursitis is curable. In these cases, the most common is to use anti-inflammatories as the main treatment, as these remedies relieve pain and reduce inflammation.

How to differentiate bursitis from tendinitis?

While bursitis affects the bursa, as we saw above, tendinitis is inflammation of the tendon and causes swelling, heat and redness in the affected area.

What is bursitis and how to treat it?
phonruang / 123RF

Although tendinitis is more common in the wrists, it also affects the elbows, shoulders and knees like bursitis, which makes a correct diagnosis difficult. Therefore, when you present the symptoms, the ideal is to seek a specialist doctor.

Conventional and natural treatments

When noticing any symptoms of bursitis, the first step is to look for a specialist doctor or physical therapist, because, in addition to evaluating the case correctly, he will also be able to identify if your case goes beyond bursitis.

If the diagnosis is indeed bursitis, there are some simple ways to cure the condition, such as using anti-inflammatories to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Anti-inflammatory creams or gels can also be applied to the region to enhance the relief of the affected area.

Physiotherapy is also essential for the treatment, because you strengthen the muscles in the region so as not to overload the injured structures.

What is bursitis and how to treat it?
Angelo Esslinger / Pixabay

In more complicated cases, surgery is also an option. But removal of a bursa via a scalpel is usually the last therapeutic attempt.

In addition to conventional methods, there are also natural treatments, such as rest for the full recovery of the bursa. Ice packs also help reduce swelling and pain.

You can also opt for massages in the affected area with essential oils. Among those who can help the most are:

  • nutmeg oil: has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • mint essential oil: has menthol as its main component and, therefore, is widely used for the treatment of pain.

Finally, a diet rich in magnesium can relieve the symptoms of bursitis and also prevent the onset of it. You can find magnesium in bananas, spinach, oats, lentils or magnesium supplements. But to take the supplement, you need to consult a doctor first.

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Although very painful and uncomfortable, bursitis has a simple and affordable treatment. Have you ever been through this condition or are you suspicious? Look for a doctor and follow the tips we put here and soon you will be recovered!

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