Kabbalah Studies: Noah

    Kabbalah Studies: Noah

    Genesis 6:9-11:32: 153 verses

    β€œAnd God said to Noah, Make for yourself an ark.”

    Genesis 6:13-14

    Noah was instructed to build an ark, for the world had become corrupted and the earth would perish in the flood. Noah followed orders and was saved.

    Noah represents the Sefira of Yesod, which is the source of spiritual reality. The ark represents the Sephirah of Malchut, our physical world. When Noah enters the ark, he bridges the upper worlds with the lower worlds, drawing protection from the surrounding chaos.

    The ark represents our spiritual protection in the midst of the chaos we face. When we elevate ourselves spiritually, when we delve into studies of the Zohar and Torah, we attract peace and blessings, creating an area of ​​protection in our lives.

    Enter your ark. Connect with the Creator. Save yourself from death and destruction. Protect yourself from evil.

    Shavua Tov!

    Have a great week!

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