What is Art Therapy?

They are practices of artistic activities, which have the objective of carrying out a therapeutic treatment, through the use of different languages: Art, Music, Dance and Theater, these when well structured and conducted by each professional, manage to promote access and the psychological cultivation of each participating person, focusing on self-knowledge, increasing their self-esteem and rebuilding their quality of life.

With this, Art Therapy develops practically in three steps:

In principle, before starting any activity, we perform a relaxation, which can be done by reading a story, listening to music with eyes closed or through a meditation, which will be guided by the professional, who will lead each person to access certain feelings. , memories, among other internal potentials [...].

That done, the art therapist will present to its audience the artistic proposal of this activity, through different physical expressions or use of art materials: paints, clay, cutting and pasting figures from magazines, newspapers, wool threads, etc., which will be instruments for each person to express themselves. sentimentally, creating internal and external movements called “Bridge”, promoting the recognition of your conflicts, stress, anxiety and gradual activation of your dormant feelings.

What is Art Therapy?
Karyme França's photo on Pexels

The audiences that can do Art Therapy are diverse: children, adults and the elderly are welcome!

Finally, after everyone has finished their work, each one will spontaneously present it, describing its meanings: shapes, symbols, colors, among other details, which will possibly represent their momentary emotional state.

With this, through the realization of each Art Therapy proposal, as already described above, it is possible to create links with the emotions and psychological forces [...] of each participant, who, throughout their artistic expressions and daily achievements, will have an inner dialogue, facing their own contexts and being able to let go of old habits, ideas, conflicts and psychic traumas [...], through the fortification of feelings of courage and initiatives that will transform their difficulties, past hurts, etc., into energies that will somatize changes in favor of their personal, family, academic and social development.

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The Art Therapy workshops can be carried out with different audiences: children, young people, adults and the elderly, being individual or in groups, performing one activity per week, with an average duration of one hour.

Get to know Art Therapy, come visit us and purify, renew your "inner self", activating your forces and freeing yourself, transforming your evils into potential for your own good.

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