Are you a spiritual beggar?

    It took me a long, long time to understand, understand and integrate the concept that here in this time, in this space, I am the boss of my life. In fact, I'll retract, I'm in the process of daily integration of this command.

    If you were born in España, as I am, however open your family has been in your upbringing, you have been influenced by many of that nation's collective beliefs. Beliefs of behavioral and also religious subjugation.

    Oh! Today I no longer follow any religion. And I was lucky enough to be born into a family that didn't have either, but that carried in my heart the teachings of Jesus, Christ, creator of worlds. During my growth, because of the influence of the environment, I began to ask: why didn't we go to church? Or religious house? Or temple?

    The best teaching my mother gave me was to say that for her it didn't make sense to go to any space that imposed a list of rules of what you can or can't be and choose, because for her that didn't make sense with the greater teaching of Jesus: love unconditional. As I didn't understand what she meant, my mother proposed to take me to as many religions as I wanted to know and study. She left me free to experiment and feel what resonated with me.

    In this process of experiencing I went to “n” evangelical, catholic and spiritist churches. This pogo stick was usually motivated when I directly or indirectly experienced an exclusion imposed by religion. A direct example: divorced women cannot take communion. My mother was divorced, and it made no sense to me that the person I loved the most could not receive the body and blood of Christ because she was separated from an alcoholic, abusive, chest-beating man saying he would never change.

    Another example, now in a spiritist house: you cannot continue this friendship relationship, as you will end up becoming a couple. And you, in the case ME — divine creature writing this text you read — are a bad company for him, since you've already done this, that, that other and you don't seem to have learned, because you still do x, y and z actions. In the end, he will end up committing suicide because of his (my little writing) fault. Well, a friendship was interrupted between two single people, free and unencumbered, because the supposed guide of the house had a vision. The truth: she didn't approve of members of the house hooking up. One more truth: she thought I was an easy woman and that word that starts with p. How do I know? Because two months after I stopped attending the space, she knocked on my door to withdraw and ask me to come back. I chose to follow.

    Here, I make an addendum, we are a Christian country, that is, that has the teachings of Jesus in its educational basis. Until then, it would indeed be wonderful if these precepts were applied in everyday life for you, for me, for your neighbor, for the community and for the nation. However, the human being entered the game with the need to label, frame, fit and shape with dictates of “right” and “wrong”. At that moment, religions arise, created by men who kill themselves to defend that it is YOUR truth that is the truth of Jesus.

    Are you a spiritual beggar?
    ahockman1234 / Reshot

    Amazing, Jesus is one and Christ is another. Even though for many they are the same thing. Jesus was the man who, for a certain period on Earth, set out to transform the Laws that govern the universe into words and actions. These laws were accessed by a Christ — creator of worlds — who chose to have an experience on Earth in an attempt to make clearer what a path that follows the Laws of the Universe actually is.

    I have my doubts that so far we have been able to listen and apply. But one thing I strongly believe: we need to apply it to ourselves first! To feel and vibrate our heart—our central sun—with the source of All That Is. For this the first movement is inwards and not outwards.

    What I mean by this?

    As much as you believe in angels, spiritual mentors, cosmic family, spiritual team, egregore, hierarchy or whatever name you use, SAIBA you are not hostage to this team. Nor is it at the mercy of this one. And even less need to continue to put themselves in a position of subjugation because they believe that only this team knows the truth.

    No, divine creature! Accept that you are part of this team and, therefore, you also have your voice and your own experience to be conducted in this time and space. Therefore, at each point of the multiverse, the one who lives the experience in that time and space is the one who LEADS.

    Reflect, if you go out to work on deployments during the hours of rest of the physical body, think: why the hell when you come back, the members of that same team don't also support you here?

    In fact, they are the foundation, but the mania of a large majority - which was also mine - to see themselves as less or inferior causes the fluid connection to break. And how do we put ourselves in that inferior position?

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    Amazing: when you ask! When you beg for mercy! When you delegate the power of your own life to someone else! When you, without realizing it, become a beggar within your own consciousness.

    The spiritual beggar is the one who has put a veil over his pineal and started to delegate the responsibilities of his actions to a command deemed superior and wiser.

    Reflect: if it is a team (name it whatever is most comfortable), distributed in several different environments to experience, then there are no superior or better beings, because each member is living what is necessary to expand the amount of information for the same divine spark of the which YOU are a part of.

    If the spark is the same, the power is the same! Therefore, at each level of experience there is a leader to direct. As a team focused on a common goal, each member will feel the best to be done, for the truth of their divine spark is the same, regardless of location in the cosmos.

    When we CONSCIOUSLY unfold (please practice), we are willing to share energy for solving something. When we are here, we are able to access the energy of an entire team to support EVERYTHING we decree and seal as the best move to be executed here.

    Are you a spiritual beggar?
    andrejs.gudilins / Reshot

    From today, assume the leadership role, in this time and space. And, like any good leader, be open to listening, feeling and integrating the best choices into actions. These will be based on all the knowledge shared in your records from your various experiences across the cosmos and, therefore, will probably be the best thing to do.

    Enough of being a beggar!

    Recognize your truth, your essence and integrate your cosmic family connected to the source of All That Is.

    It is clear that here in this text no truth is absolute. But if this resonates with you in any way, please share your insights in the comments.

    trust. Knife. Delivered. release.

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