What I've Heard From Maids And Bosses

    April 27th is celebrated the National Maid Day. This date is a tribute to Santa Zita, who died on this day. Zita started working as a maid at the age of 12. She became known for being very generous to the poor, so she was declared a Saint of maids.

    They are the professionals responsible for cleaning and organizing the home, preparing meals, sometimes making the supermarket for the house, among many other tasks. They help keep a home running smoothly.

    To Quantum Kinesiology, I work with the bosses as well as with many maids, I will quote “as a souvenir” some conversations I have already heard — maintaining professional ethics, I will not name names so as not to embarrass anyone:

    What I've Heard From Maids And Bosses

    boss – “When I come home after an exhausting day at work and see some things out of place, I get very irritated. I've already said that it's to leave everything in the same position as I put it, but there are always things a little bit further over there or a little bit over here, it seems that you don't understand what I say. But I continue with her, because she is trustworthy”.

    boss – “She has worked with me for 19 years. She was practically the one who raised my 3 daughters while I worked, I am very grateful to her. It's just that now she already feels so at home that she wants to do things her way and not the way I really need her to do it.”

    Boss – “I live alone in a house, I have a day worker who works cleaning once a week. But I feel guilty for having someone else take care of the cleaning, it's my house, I should take care of it. To assuage the guilt, I help the diarist, vacuum the dust, get the squeegee and I'm going to pass the cloth. She says she is embarrassed, that she had to do everything herself, after all, she is paid for it. But I feel better helping her.”

    Diarist – “What do you mean, are you paying me the 13th salary? But I'm not even registered. I was even excited. I never received 13th salary”.

    Housekeeper – “I like my profession, I am not afraid of work. I took a home organization course to make my work even more efficient”.

    The relationship between employers and employees needs to be more harmonious, after all, one helps the other. Congratulations to the maids, love each other, value yourself. Thank you for the valuable work you do.

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