What do you think about including eggs in your diet?

Considered, for some time, the villain of cholesterol, today the egg has gained prominence in healthy eating. This food, rich in proteins and nutrients such as iron, zinc, phosphorus and potassium, currently occupies a prominent place on the menu, including for high-performance athletes.

Because they have a low concentration of saturated fats, the volume of cholesterol present in eggs is not enough to cause malignant changes in the human body. For a healthy individual, a research done by the Harvard School of Public Health, in the USA, indicates the consumption of up to 7 eggs per week. In cases of those who have high cholesterol, the number decreases to three units per week. But even so, it shouldn't stop being consumed.  

In addition to the health benefits, chicken, duck and quail eggs are cheap and very versatile foods, which can be consumed boiled, poached (placed whole, without shell, in a pan of hot water, until cooked on the outside, leaving the yolk liquid) or even stirred.

Below, we will explain some of the characteristics of this food in greater detail so that you can take advantage of each of the benefits in your favor, improving your muscle performance and even giving your diet a boost.

Eggs are a great nutritional source

As you may have already noticed, the egg is not lacking in positive characteristics. And, one of the biggest and most important is the great diversity and amount of nutrients present, both in the yolk and in the egg white. This, in fact, is one of the very few foods that contain complete proteins, with adequate proportions of the nine essential amino acids for our body.

The white contains most of the proteins, while the yolk contains fats and oxidants. In addition, all parts are also rich in vitamin A, B, D and E, and minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and sulfur.

May help prevent certain diseases

Because of its wide variety of vitamins and nutrients, the egg contains some important substances to prevent and treat very common diseases. Even, its high concentration of nutritious substances helps in the development of immunity.

Because of selenium and oxidants, eggs can be useful in preventing cancers and even delaying premature aging.

Due to iron, the egg is also a good ally to eliminate dizziness and to prevent the body against anemia. This nutrient still acts very efficiently to help transport oxygen through the blood.

What do you think about including eggs in your diet?

It is a good ally of the diet

One of the many positive aspects of egg consumption is the fact that it is a food that contributes to weight loss. This is because of the good quality protein that forms eggs, filling and nourishing without a high number of calories having to be ingested. It is worth remembering that, in total, an egg has only 70 calories.

If eaten for breakfast, for example, eggs – which can be prepared in different ways – help you feel full for a long time, reducing compulsion and excessive hunger throughout the day. This sensation occurs mainly due to the slow digestion of this food.

Helps to gain muscle mass

In addition to being a complete source of protein, eggs contain an amino acid called leucine, which is found in egg whites. This substance is used by our body to synthesize muscle proteins, acting as a source of energy when we are on the move.

As it is not produced by our body, the intake of this amino acid is very important if the idea is to strengthen the body and gain lean mass. For this, consumption can be made in smaller amounts of the yolk than of the egg white, but never completely excluding the yolk from the diet, as it has most of the minerals and nutrients of this food.

Helps in hair growth

Because they are rich in amino acids, eggs are able to give more health and shine to hair strands and also promote hair growth. The minerals present in the egg yolk, such as zinc, iron and selenium, also act positively to improve the quality of the hair.

Also, for those looking for a natural scalp conditioning treatment, egg yolk can be applied directly to damaged strands.

Can improve brain efficiency

Due to a substance called choline, a type of neurotransmitter that helps in the development of cognitive functions, the egg is a strong ally for those who want to nourish and favor cellular functions with food. The choline is concentrated in the yolk, where there is also a good amount of folates, which in turn affect the efficiency of nerve cells in brain activity.

Already the presence of Vitamin B12 and oxidizing substances, such as vitamins A, D, E and K, selenium, magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron, help in the isolation of nerve fibers, preventing neural tube problems, and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Helps in strengthening bones

I believe that this benefit of the egg you did not know, but it is a food with properties that can bring benefits to the bones of the human body. Due to the high levels of vitamin D, the egg favors the absorption of calcium by our body. In addition, it still contains a large amount of its own calcium and phosphorus, which helps a lot in controlling osteoporosis. These vitamins and minerals even work together with our body to increase bone density. Who knew, right?

Brings benefits to eyes and vision

To benefit eye health, we can count on the presence of carotenoids in eggs. These are chemical compounds that help a lot in preventing diseases caused by aging, such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

Carotenoids also contain potent oxidants to protect the eyes from ultraviolet rays, which are extremely harmful to vision.

Written by Laís Mori from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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