What are you hungry for?

There are days when we feel lost, not even knowing what to eat. How does this happen? See if you've been through this: you feel hungry, but you don't know what, so you open the fridge, the cupboard, rummage around the kitchen to look for it. You find a lot of food, but nothing makes your eyes shine, not even a light turns on, then you get tired and get something to kill that hunger.

You eat a piece after another in search of satiety, but the frustration and dissatisfaction stay there talking and you end up eating a lot. Then, an extra guest arrives, the owner blames you, saying that you shouldn't have eaten so much, that you have no limits, that you don't know how to take care of yourself and keep reeling off a bunch of little words that throw you down making you feel the worst of all. worse.

How to avoid all this?

Have you ever thought about switching from searching the kitchen cupboards to searching inside yourself?

When that hunger shows up, you can silence and ask internally what you're hungry for. The answers are surprising. You'll often find that hunger isn't exactly for food and that's why you can't find it in the fridge.

You can still your mind by sitting in a comfortable position, feet on the floor, spine straight, and paying attention to your breathing. Feeling the air in and out, silencing thoughts, decreasing anxiety, relaxing, calming, bringing peace and confidence to you.

At this point, you ask to know what you are missing, asking yourself, “What am I missing?”, “What am I hungry for?”, and continue to do your conscious breathing, waiting for the answer to present itself.

A memory, an image of someone or somewhere, a desire to cry, a pain in the body, a word… These are some possible responses. You keep asking wanting to know more and question why that is making you dissatisfied, lost, what is the cause of all this. And once again you open yourself to listen to what is shown, welcoming what comes, giving vent to the emotion that arises, bringing awareness to you.

This movement in search of real knowledge, true hunger, can lead you to an appreciation of who you are, your gifts and abilities. Exchanging guilt for satisfaction, awakening the feeling of fullness, of completeness.

I leave here a recipe to help you unravel your hunger.

Moyashi at Home Fashion


1 cup moyashi (bean sprouts)
1 cup spinach leaves
1/4 cup diced red pepper
2 tablespoons of sesame
1 tablespoon diced ginger
1 tablespoon of olive oil
Sal Island

Way of doing

What are you hungry for?Take a frying pan to the fire with the sesame for a minute, remove from the fire, knead with a pestle and set aside.
Heat the oil, ginger, pepper and half of the sesame in a skillet for a minute.
Add the moyashi and sauté for a minute.
Add the spinach leaves and salt and sauté for a minute.
Remove from heat, place on a plate and sprinkle with remaining sesame seeds.

Taste the nutritious, healthy, You!

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