What are the best times for each activity of the day?

It seems like it's a joke, but the truth is that our body has a schedule to do each activity. Whether eating, having sex, reading, working, running. A very common mistake is wanting to force our body to do something for which it doesn't feel prepared at that moment.

The result of a lack of control in the body, which does not know a breakfast, rest and bedtime routine, can be a considerable increase in illness and physical exhaustion. Those who study the body's schedules for better performance of activities are chronobiologists.

What are the best times for each activity of the day?7pm to 9pm

It's the best time to wake up in the mood, as much as most people are against it. But what happens is that from 6 am the body produces cortisol, a hormone that helps control stress. When it becomes unregulated, the consequences in the body are depression, tiredness and muscle loss. For those who have a little time to enjoy, from 07:30 am is the best time to have sex, according to research, as the body produces a surge of sex hormones that contribute to orgasm. At 8 am it is recommended to have breakfast. Research still shows that it is best to drink coffee after an hour of getting up.

What are the best times for each activity of the day?9 am to noon

From 9 am the serotonin level is at its peak. It is recommended to do physical exercises, such as gymnastics. From 10 am to 11 am, it can be considered the best time to study, reflect and find inspiration. And during this time, enjoy and eat some fruit or cookies, your energy can increase even more. And of course, from 12:00 to 13:XNUMX is considered the best time to have lunch.

What are the best times for each activity of the day?noon to 15 pm

From 13 pm to 14 pm there is a decrease in the release of attention and disposition hormones. Therefore, it is very common to feel that laziness. If you can take a few minutes' nap, that's great. If you can't, it's advisable to have that coffee that helps you wake up and give you a 'up' for the afternoon that begins.

What are the best times for each activity of the day?15 pm to 17 pm

Take the opportunity to eat a lighter snack. 17 pm is a perfect time to do that physical activity.



What are the best times for each activity of the day?18 am to 21 am

After 18 pm we are more likely to get irritated. So avoid traffic jams and arguments. At this time it is good to eat a healthier snack.


What are the best times for each activity of the day?21pm to midnight

At 21 pm experts say it is a good time to have sex. At 22:XNUMX it is time for a shower and right after going to sleep. You can read a book instead. The recommended thing is not to be in front of the computer or watching TV before bed.

From 22 pm to 1 am is considered the most important phase of sleep. So, it's better to organize yourself to be in bed at this time. What did you think?


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