Portal 8 of 8 and Ritual 8 of 8

    The desired 8 of Numerology, portals and activations under the energy of the 8 of the 8. It is recurrent that they come to me with the idea of ​​using the resources of Numerology to intensify or awaken the prosperity sector. Or β€œI heard that 8 is the number of prosperity”… I've heard it several times.

    I reaffirm that the 8 refers to Material Prosperity, however it moves several other energies for this to occur.

    Another fact is the energy concentrated on dates with repeated numbers, as in the case of August 8 (8 of the 8, 8/8). On these dates we have the opportunity to connect and benefit from the portals that open on these days.

    Let's observe in parts: the 8 has, in itself, the energy of infinity. Think of infinite possibilities. The 8 brings the image of movement and cycle, beginning, middle and end. We can still think of cycles, initiation, process and restart.

    When they perform doubled or more, their energy and potency become multiplied. And its results, intensified. So, consider the energy you will have access to on this date and the responsibilities of taking it for yourself.

    Portal 8 of 8 and Ritual 8 of 8
    Sebastian Voortman / Pexels

    Portal 8 of 8 refers to goodbyes and renewal, justice and upliftment, agreements and prosperity.

    Simply, and with caution and responsibility, practice a small ritual for you and your life.

    For this and any portal and ritual, add:

    Responsibility + preparation + awareness + balance + availability + openness and respect.

    Don't do anything you don't believe in. Do not do anything to the detriment of others. Don't do anything without respect.

    Take a bath of body and mind, cleanse yourself and clear limiting and heavy beliefs from your life. Say goodbye to what no longer serves you with love and gratitude.

    Connect to a new vibration, new results, new achievements.

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    Have paper and pencil; draw a big 8. Breathe, calm down and reflect. Then, let's get to the practice:

    Inside your big 8 at the top, write your full name and date of birth; below, everything related to evolution, prosperity and abundance that you want to receive.

    Your big 8 ritual should be done in the morning or at the end of the day and should be kept in its special energy place or on an altar and burned and blown in the wind at the beginning of the Full Moon of the month.

    Take what's yours. Live and be grateful.

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