vegan corn cake

With the spread of the vegan movement, recipes without animal products are increasingly popular. O vegan corn cake is an example of such cruelty-free foods. While corn is already a non-animal food, conventional corn cake recipes call for egg and butter, non-vegan foods.

The main ingredients of vegan corn cake are corn cobs, shredded coconut and cornmeal. The benefits that each one of them brings to the body are many, and the union of all of them can form a nutritious and tasty recipe.

O corn, because it contains fibers, helps with bowel function, facilitating the digestion process. O coco é rich in nutrients and low in calories, being essential to maintain the proper functioning of the body. O Corn meal, which comes from corn, is also rich in fiber and protein.

Vegan corn cake can be eaten for breakfast, to start the day with energy and strength, or for breakfast, to help with the digestion of lunch. You can try this recipe with tea (fennel, chamomile, mint), with coffee (with or without sugar) or with citrus fruits (orange, strawberry or tangerine), to make the dish more colorful.

vegan corn cake

Below you will find the vegan corn cake recipe. Pay attention to the ingredients and enjoy this delight that is also gluten free! Preparation takes 10 minutes and baking time is 40 minutes.

Ingredients for a 20 cm diameter mold:

  • 1 cup (tea) of water;
  • 1/3 cup (tea) of vegetable oil;
  • 1 and 1/2 cups (tea) of raw corn (about 3 ears);
  • 1/2 cup (tea) of unsweetened shredded coconut;
  • 3/4 cup (tea) of demerara or crystal sugar;
  • 1 cup (tea) of mimoso cornmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon of white or apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tablespoon (soup) of powdered chemical baking powder;
  • a bit of salt.


vegan corn cake

  • the first step in the recipe is to heat the oven to 210 ºC;
  • so you don't mess up later, grease the baking sheet you're going to use using vegetable oil;
  • then sprinkle cornmeal on top of the oil;
  • in the blender, mix the water, oil, corn, grated coconut, sugar, cornmeal, vinegar and a pinch of salt; you'll know it's time to stop beating the mixture when it's even;
  • then, you must add the yeast and beat once more, to unite this ingredient to the rest;
  • in the form that was previously greased, pour the mixture from the blender;
  • let it bake for 40 minutes and check if it's at the right point by pierce the vegan corn cake with a fork; when it comes out clean, it means the candy is ready.
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If you want to make this recipe a little more elaborate, you can make a guava syrup. To do this, you will follow these steps:

  • over low heat, melt the chopped guava in half a cup of water;
  • add water as the syrup is getting sticky; remember that the guava must melt to the point of not making the cake heavy.

If you want alternative ingredients for the vegan corn cake recipe, below you will find some substitutions:

  • water can be exchanged for almond milk, peanut milk or homemade coconut milk;
  • if you already have coconut milk at home and want to make the most of it, use it instead of grated coconut; the texture may be a little different, but the taste will be very similar.
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