Understanding the messages of the feet

Did you know that by looking at our feet we can get a lot of information? People in the therapeutic field can benefit from this insight into foot reflexology. β€œFoot reflexology is a technique of pressing, sliding and touching the area of ​​the feet and hands that stimulates corresponding organs in the body.” (Louise Keet)

The feet reflect the map of our entire body, we can observe the shape, the texture of the skin, if there are crooked toes, a multitude of items to analyze in each person.

The first look would be to observe how these feet are structured when the person is standing, do you observe any kind of instability? Are the fingers touching the ground or are there fingers loose in the air? A person may find himself at a point in his life when he

feels without structure, if the feet present these characteristics. Everything can be modified from the internal changes and attitudes, the interior changes the exterior. Look at the fingers: are they aligned, are there fingers that are too far apart? This analysis can influence the person's energy balance level. The more aligned and balanced the fingers are, the person is aware of the balance of health, physical and in other areas. There are people who have fingers overlapping each other, which means that, due to environmental factors, this person had to cancel himself or herself to satisfy other people. Many problems occur when the person cancels, and can be reflected with diseases in the digestive, endocrine and other systems.

Understanding the messages of the feet
Pixabay / Pexels

Finger shape: Is the fingertip round, square, have calluses?

Each finger is within a zonal area, depending on how it is, we can analyze

whether there is a balance or imbalance.

Rounded fingers: the person has a degree of delicacy, usually they may have artistic talents. If there is a bunion, the person has held a load that was not theirs a lot and has not expressed themselves. We usually see bunions in those women who have been married for 40 years and who do not put themselves as women, preferring to suffer in silence.

Square-shaped fingers: the person has a more rational thinking, often has not learned to communicate well and this can cause relationship problems.

Problems related to fungi can represent some kind of aggressiveness at a deep level, so treatment is often time consuming to cure these pathologies.

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If there is callus in the heel area, it represents an imbalance in the reproductive area. The person needs to undergo examinations with the medical specialist.

Foot reflexology is a technique of activating the body's energy, it does not replace any medical treatment, and the professional cannot diagnose diseases, but can recognize some trends about the client and guide the best health professionals to serve him. Try this technique!

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