7 Benefits of Oregano

    There are several ingredients used in the kitchen that serve to enhance the flavor of food and dishes in general, however, these little secrets used in the preparation of meals do not always have a culinary function, as is the case with oregano. A frequent delicacy on the plate of many Spanish people, this herb can be used in different ways and has properties that go beyond the popular imagination.

    What a lot of people don't know is that origanum vulgare, as oregano is scientifically named, contains a long list of health benefits. And this secret was already shared about thousands of years ago for medicinal purposes among ancient civilizations. Discover some of these improvements and enjoy all the power and flavor of oregano.

    Problems with menstruation

    This period is considered among some women as one of the most painful phases of life; cramps, swelling, deregulated cycle among other symptoms make this time very difficult. Consuming oregano often helps to regulate menstrual flow, relieve pain and even prevent early menopause. You can chew fresh herb leaves throughout the day or even prepare it as a tea, drinking the drink three to four times a day, preferably unsweetened.

    The heart and blood pressure

    Because it is a rich source of potassium, oregano is recommended for the treatment of high blood pressure, as well as helping to control the heartbeat of those who consume excessive amounts of sodium. Its composition full of Omega 3 and antioxidants makes inflammation decrease as well as the possibility of developing heart disease.

    Functioning of the digestive system

    Collaborating agent in the production of digestive enzymes, it also acts as a stimulant in the production of substances such as linalool, cymene, tannin and cervacol, responsible for the digestive properties. Its use prevents colic in the intestine and the formation of gases. It is recommended that it be consumed in tea form for best results.

    7 Benefits of Oregano

    Antibacterial action

    Cervacol and thymol are the two elements of antibacterial action present in the leaf and, due to this factor, both help in the defense against possible bacteria capable of attacking the intestine, the skin and other regions of the body.

    Detox natural

    The detox wave is on the rise, and the amount of recipes to eliminate toxins from the body is huge. In just one ingredient, we can find nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin K and manganese, as well as fiber and potent nutrients, without the need for so many alternatives. Some studies have already been carried out and have proven that oregano provides this effect in the body.

    bone strengthener

    The minerals already mentioned, such as manganese, iron and calcium are excellent for strengthening bones. In oregano, a large part of these nutrients is concentrated, being indicated as an excellent alternative against osteoporosis.

    ally against the flu

    Low immunity or good season for viral infections, it doesn't matter; there is always that discomfort of contracting a disease of the type and especially that annoying flu that came at the wrong time. One of the most well-known uses of oregano is its ability to strengthen the immune system. To make it act fast, as soon as you realize that you are getting sick, add 3 to 6 drops of oregano oil in a glass of water and drink it always before meals. The recommended is five days doing this process.

    These are just a few tips on how to use it in health care. In addition to all the above, it is cholesterol free and has many more qualities. Treated only as a mere “adjuvant”, oregano deserves more attention and should be known beyond its reputation as a simple spice.

    Written by Juliana Alves from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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