Trust is synonymous with happiness!

    Sometimes we feel insecure about life, a fear that things won't turn out the way we want, or even a desire to give up to avoid disappointments or failures. You know what? This feeling is totally normal! I guarantee that those who haven't felt these fears yet, will one day. This is because the life of every human being is made up of ups and downs, moments of security and insecurity. What we can't let happen is allow our fears to take over our decisions.

    When we believe in who we are and in our abilities, we are certainly much closer to achieving what we desire. That's because self-confidence allows us to get rid of the uncertainties that affect us negatively and discourage us from chasing our dreams. And if we let the feeling of pessimism take over our mind, it is a fact that we will be further and further away from achieving everything we want.

    And not only to achieve our goals that trust is welcome. This feeling is responsible for many changes in our lives, even more so if we think that our daily lives can be much more pleasurable if we come to believe and trust others, the universe, the kindness of people and good vibes.

    When we believe in positivity, we will automatically start seeing the “glass half full”. And when that happens, the world gains colors, gains flavors and we start to appreciate and celebrate small (and great) joys that previously went unnoticed by us. Beginning to perceive the world in a more positive light will certainly attract and motivate even more positive desires, and this will only fill us with more confidence and desire to evolve.

    The energies that surround us are quite powerful to attract what we emanate. And that's why, the more we believe in our abilities and potential, the more capable we will be of breaking through barriers and obstacles, and that will attract even more trust and gratitude. It is a great circle of positivity that forms, helping us to evolve and live life in the best possible way. Have you ever heard the saying that “what goes around, comes around”? That's exactly how it works.

    In the end, confidence goes far beyond self-esteem and self-love. Trust is synonymous with delivery, faith and fidelity. It's jumping into life without fear of what's ahead, it's believing in the good things and being sure that, even in the difficulties, we will be able to extract very important lessons to grow and transform ourselves into better human beings.

    However, becoming a more confident person can take some time, especially for someone who is discredited and pessimistic about life. And, knowing that this can be an important and even scary change, we decided to list some important points for you to reflect and believe, more and more, in your own choices.

    Trust is synonymous with happiness!

    Have faith

    Faith is not necessarily linked to a religion. To have faith is to believe in something higher, a greater good that is present in the world to guide us or even just to comfort us. Even because, it is useless to be an adherent of any type of religion if, inside, the person does not preach love, solidarity and justice without discrimination. In fact, it doesn't matter what you believe or which paths you choose to reach your faith, for all forms of love lead us to the same point of arrival.

    trust others

    When we begin to perceive bad intentions in all people's attitudes, we begin to act according to these beliefs, too. But if you feel that you can be good for someone, that you want to share good moments and feelings or can see others, regardless of labels or prejudices, what makes you think that no one else is like that? Believe more in the world. Believe more in other people. Believe in the potential of others and that there is space for everyone, without unnecessary competitions or disputes. Believe in the power of love and that cruelty and intolerance are exceptions (which need to be fought, of course!).

    It's all a matter of perspective...

    There comes a point in our lives when it becomes simpler to realize that everything depends on our point of view. Something that once seemed unacceptable, can now be received with an open heart and without fear. On the other hand, if before some change seemed too big to be supported, today it can be welcomed, and even seen as a great opportunity for us to grow. In addition to maturing, our point of view can change if we decide to see events on the positive side. So if a relationship ended, an investment didn't work out, if someone hurt you, or even if you don't think you're capable of something, change your perspective. Think about the amount of things you've done right, the good friendships and people who love you, and your personal and professional achievements. There's certainly plenty of reason to make you feel proud of yourself. And, if everything still seems to go wrong, also know that you will learn and mature with each mistake, opening new doors and giving way to new opportunities to start over and do everything better and better.

    thank you for the good things

    As I said in the previous item, you will always have things in your life to make you happy. It could be the company of a loved one, it could be a promotion at work, it could be a trip, a party, or even some fond memories. So, thank you for all this. If you don't know where to start, wake up every morning and choose three reasons (they can be pretty simple) to be thankful for. Give thanks for life, for your health, for the friends you conquered, for your family and for everything else that makes you feel grateful. It may seem pretty basic, but it will help you realize how much wonderful things happen to you on a daily basis. And it will still be useful to always attract more achievements and good energies.

    He used to smile

    Smiling is our most potent medicine and our best ally when it comes to increasing our well-being and even our health. Did you know that when we smile, our body releases endorphins and serotonin, two substances responsible for happiness and pleasure? So if you're having a bad day or need some encouragement to lift your spirits, just laugh. Laugh even if you don't feel like it, because after that you won't need to "pretend" to smile anymore. Your body will understand the stimulus and you will immediately be more relaxed, less stressed and lighter! But where does trust come in in all of this? Well, the happiest people have the highest self-esteem, and when we are happy with life, there is no room for insecurities and uncertainties.

    If it's not good, do something to change it.

    This is the last, and perhaps the most challenging tip we have to give. If something isn't making you happy, makes you sad, or just doesn't add anything positive to your life, do everything in your power to change it. Sitting around and complaining about what doesn't work in your life is useless. (Of course, sometimes it's good to vent, but that's quite different from complaining, right?). So change. If your profession no longer makes you happy, think of new options to improve your day-to-day, or even start using your free time with pleasurable activities. If the problem is someone who only makes you suffer, talk and see if you can fix the relationship. No matter what, the important thing is to do something for yourself, always, and not let complaints take over your life. Do everything you can to be happier every day!

    Text written by LaĂ­s Mori from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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