Having trouble sleeping during menopause? Try this night ritual

It's in menopause and insomnia got you? Amid so many hormonal changes, if you want to regain your beauty sleep, there is a night ritual that can help you. In the next topics, learn more about what causes menopausal insomnia and find natural ways to deal with it.

What is menopause?

Menopause is, first and foremost, the terror of many women between the ages of 45 and 55. This is because it is after menopause, characterized by the last menstruation of a woman, that the climacteric begins.

Popularly, climacteric is also called menopause. It is marked by an imbalance in the production of hormones from the ovaries of childbirth, which results in physical and emotional changes.

At this stage, it is common to feel the body more swollen, have frequent mood swings, headaches, reduced libido, difficulty concentrating, palpitations, hot flashes (hot flashes) and insomnia.

What causes menopausal insomnia?

Is it normal to have menopausal insomnia? According to a multinational study released in 2019, almost half of women suffer from this condition after menopause. That is, it is normal to experience more difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep during menopause.

Having trouble sleeping during menopause? Try this night ritual
Rido / Canvas

The reason for this difficulty is precisely the hormonal change that the woman goes through during this period. It becomes more difficult to deal with one's emotions, body aches are frequent and hot flashes can occur at any time, including when trying to sleep.

But that doesn't mean menopausal insomnia can't be avoided. In fact, there are a few ways to mitigate this negative effect of hormonal imbalance, as we present in the following paragraphs.

What is good for ending menopausal insomnia?

Stopping menopausal insomnia is a simpler task than you might think. With medical help, for example, it is possible to perform hormone replacement in the body, which will relieve this and other uncomfortable symptoms.

However, you can also adopt natural alternatives to solve this problem. Some habits that can help you are: drinking soothing teas, spending energy with physical exercise, establishing a daily bedtime and waking time, avoiding naps during the day and caffeine intake at night, and staying away from electronic devices before bed. .

Having trouble sleeping during menopause? Try this night ritual
puhhha de Getty Images / Canva

In addition, if you want to take advantage of the time to sleep to feel your body with attention and affection, you can also perform a ritual to sleep better. Find out how to do it below.

How to do a ritual to sleep better

A tea to sleep well is usually the main recommendation for those who are suffering from insomnia. Another champion of indications is meditation, which usually calms the thoughts and body of those who practice it. And the ritual for better sleep during menopause is a little bit of both. Here's how to do it every day.

Ingredients for the Ritual

  • 18 grams of passion fruit leaves;
  • 2 cups of boiling water;
  • 1 moisturizer of your choice.


First of all, you must prepare passion fruit leaf tea. To do this, mix the leaves with boiling water and cover the container for 10 minutes. After straining, you can drink it. Once this is done, the other part of the ritual begins.

With the moisturizer you have chosen, start a meditation. Start massaging your body slowly, feeling all parts and reflecting on how you feel. If you like, put on some background music to help you get into a meditative state.

When you feel its touch on your skin and when you sip the soothing tea, you will feel your body and mind in harmony, thus starting the process of falling asleep. The results will be even better if you perform the ritual already in the dark, in your bed, when you are ending the day.

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By putting into practice the ritual we present, you will send insomnia away as if it had never been part of your menopause. How about starting the connection between your body and your mind today? Enjoy!

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