Train your brain to sleep in 1 minute

    The great problem of humanity is in the stress and rush of everyday life. And this ends up reflecting even at bedtime.

    One of the most well-known sleep-related disorders is the inability to fall asleep easily.

    How many times, you must have tossed and turned for hours and hours, and no sleep appeared? Sometimes he even appears, but problems and worries don't let him turn off. When our body and mind don't rest long enough, you can be sure that the next day will be more irritable and much less productive.

    If you too have suffered from insomnia, check out the technique below, developed by Doctor Andrew Weil from Harvard University, a master in breathing and meditation techniques, which will help you get rid of stress and have a good, peaceful night's rest. sleep in just a minute.

    When you are getting ready to go to bed, start getting in touch with your mind, your body. Begin to be aware of how you really feel and slowly begin to control your breathing. Inhale and exhale, alternating between decreasing and deepening speed.

    Train your brain to sleep in 1 minute
    Ivan Oboleninov / Pexels

    Try to forget about the problems that have taken over your thoughts during the day. Release them and don't let them start worrying you again.

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    After going to bed, the ideal is to keep the lights completely off. Inhale through your nose and count to four, then hold your breath for about seven seconds. For the next eight seconds, exhale through your mouth. Don't worry if you lose count while performing this technique, just start over.

    Try applying this method every night to start training your brain to sleep within a minute. This technique is effective because in addition to reducing the heart rate, it helps to release calming chemicals to the brain, such as serotonin.

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