Awakening female. How to reach it?

Rescuing an old conscience that returns social, personal, psychological, religious and cultural values, in addition to the search for sustainable attitudes, is part of the feminine awakening. Women who seek the sacred feminine say they feel a call that differentiates them from other people, it is as if something is missing and she needs an encounter with her essence.

Feminists are examples of women who follow the sacred feminine, in order to highlight the power of women in society. In this scenario, there are no rules, freedom is what moves this whole concept and the ideal is that everyone believes in himself so that the difference really happens.

The great strength of the sacred feminine is to bring the strength and essence of the woman from the inside out, discover her ancestral history, become familiar with the goddesses, understand the natural cycles of her body such as menstruation, gestation, menarche, menopause, until death and allow the sensations to surface within them.

Awakening female. How to reach it?

Motivated by values ​​that include:
  • HUMAN DIVERSITY and BIODIVERSITY – respecting all cultures and beliefs in order to generate peace for humanity, aiming at a harmonious and respectful relationship with people, animals and plants.
  • SACRED FEMALE KNOWLEDGE - female ancestral rescue and wisdom enriched in the reconnection of women with their lunar and natural cycles, everyday and archetypal experiences.
  • SORORITY – appreciation of conviviality, speaking and listening through the heart.
  • ECOFEMININE ENTREPRENEURSHIP – entrepreneurial, conscious, fair and sustainable attitudes.
  • SUSTAINABILITY – responsibility for cultivating care for life on the planet in order to preserve it for future generations.

Written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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