Tips for eating beets

    Beetroot is a root-type vegetable that usually has a good acceptance on the palate — and also for the rosy appearance that enhances any dish. With a sweet taste, it can be used for various types of culinary preparation, from salads to soups, pasta and cakes. It can also be consumed raw, roasted or crushed in juices, vitamins and lending its color in the preparation of pancakes, tapioca and pies.

    Despite being reputed to be rich in iron, beets have other properties that are much stronger and more beneficial to our health, such as the high concentration of vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, fiber and lycopene. Consumption of beetroot benefits the skin due to its richness in antioxidants, the heart due to the presence of flavonoids that help reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries and also the liver, as it helps in the blood detoxification process.

    It is also indicated to reduce anemia as a good nutritional supplement, to prevent cancer through betacyanin that prevents the formation of cells of the genus and is also indicated for consumption by diabetics, as it helps to control the blood sugar level. For the most vain, it can also be an important ally in the treatment of hair, leaving it brighter and stronger.

    To help you include beets in your diet, in addition to the classic salad, we have separated below some varied recipes that have our sweet and pink vegetable as the star. Check out:

    Was Red Velvet here gluten
    (withdrawal from Fit Kitchen)

    A much healthier way to make the classic American cake, without dyes and with the color obtained naturally. Gluten-free flour also makes production lighter. It can also be made into muffins or cupcakes.


    1 small beet, peeled, raw
    2 claras
    1 egg
    1 cup gluten free flour
    1 cup coconut (or brown) sugar
    1 cup of oil of your choice: coconut, sunflower, olive oil.
    1 and 1/2 teaspoon of yeast
    Cocoa powder for sprinkling


    In a blender, beat the beets, egg whites, whole egg and oil. Beat well, so that there are no pieces of beetroot, for approximately 5 minutes. Preheat the oven to medium temperature. Transfer the mixture to a bowl, add the sugar, mix and gradually add the flour while mixing with a whisk. Then add the yeast. Pour the mixture into a form greased with oil and sprinkled with cocoa powder. Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes.

    beetroot souffle
    (taken from GNT – Help! My son eats badly!)

    In addition to being delicious, it is a way to include beets in children's diet, especially for girls who usually love everything in pink.


    ½ tablespoon of corn starch
    1 medium cooked beet
    ½ cup of milk tea
    2 eggs
    60 g of grated parmesan cheese
    100 g shredded standard cheese


    Mix the cornstarch with the milk and bring to the fire, stirring constantly until it thickens. Put it in the blender along with the beetroot, the Minas cheese and the egg yolks. Beat well and season with salt if necessary. Then move to a bowl.

    Beat the egg whites, gently add them to the mixture and place in a refractory. Sprinkle the grated cheese on top and leave in the oven for 20 minutes or until golden.

    Serve it hot.

    Beetroot salad with homemade ricotta and grape sauce
    (GNT Withdrawal – Carolina Recipes)

    Salad yes, but much more elaborate. The grape sauce makes it even tastier and more nutritious.


    1 kg of small beets
    Homemade ricotta: 1 liter of milk and 30 ml of apple cider vinegar

    Grape sauce:

    500 g seedless grapes
    50 g of honey
    30 g of thyme
    20 ml of lemon juice
    20 g of mustard
    50 ml of olive oil
    15 ml of apple cider vinegar
    10 ml of cognac


    To prepare the beets:

    Boil the beets in a pan with salted water until they are tender, which takes approximately 35 minutes. Reserve.

    On a plate, grill the beets, pressing with a spatula so that they are broken and golden.

    To make homemade ricotta:

    Put the milk in a pan and heat until it boils. With the milk boiling, add the vinegar and continue stirring for another 1 minute. Remove from heat and let cool.

    Separate the curdled milk from the whey with a cloth and a strainer. Season with salt and pepper.

    How to prepare the grape sauce:

    Make a grape juice with half the grapes. Cut the remaining grapes in half and set aside.

    In a frying pan, put half the oil along with the grapes and thyme to brown. Add the brandy and a little grape juice and continue sealing the grapes. If you like, add more fresh grapes. Add the mustard, honey, lemon juice and thyme and continue stirring.

    Remove from heat and add the vinegar, mixing until it reaches a creamy consistency.

    Tips for eating beets

    Gnocchi Of Beetroot
    (Withdrawal from Gastrolandia)

    A nutritional boost in the classic gnocchi, in addition to a very special color. A simple dish to make, delicious and extremely beautiful.


    4 beets cooked and organic
    1 clove of minced garlic
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 cup all-purpose flour (approximately)
    sea ​​salt to taste

    How do

    Prepare a puree with the already cooked beets, sauté the chopped garlic in olive oil and add to the puree. Mix well, adding the wheat flour little by little, until it thickens. Place the dough on a cold surface until it is manageable and does not stick to your hands, reaching the desired point.

    Sprinkle enough wheat flour on the surface where the gnocchi will be prepared. Roll into medium strips about 2 cm thick, cutting with the help of a knife or spatula to form the desired gnocchi. Place the gnocchi in boiling water for 5 minutes. Serve with your favorite sauce.

    Beetroot with Ginger
    (Removal of Healthy Panelinha)

    With the addition of ginger, this recipe even has a thermogenic effect. A delight for the evening when a light recipe is all you need.


    1 raw beetroot without skin
    1 boiled carrot with skin
    Half onion
    1 small garlic clove
    1 thin sliver of ginger
    2 tablespoons of green banana biomass (softened)
    green seasoning to taste
    sea ​​salt to taste
    Pepper to taste
    1 teaspoon golden flaxseed
    1 teaspoon mixed quinoa
    Salmon (optional, to taste)
    1 glass of water
    1 drizzle of olive oil


    Start by sautéing the garlic and onion. Once cooked, place all the ingredients in a blender and blend well. Place in the pan to cook the quinoa for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Adjust the seasoning and you're done!

    beet chips
    (Removal of Panelinha IG)

    Practical and nutritious snacks to take anywhere. Get rid of the sodium present in industrialized snacks!


    2 beets
    olive oil to taste
    Salt and black pepper to taste

    How to Prepare

    Preheat the oven to 180°C (medium temperature).

    Wash, dry and peel the beets. On a large non-stick roast, pass a beet through the vegetable slicer. Spread the slices out without overlapping, leaving about half a centimeter between each one. Season with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. On another baking sheet, repeat the procedure with the other beet.

    Place in the oven to bake for about 15 minutes, until dry. Remove and let cool — chips are crispy as they cool. Serve next.

    Beetroot Tapioca
    (Taken from World of the Tribes)

    The darling of the time boosted with beet to give a very special flavor and color.


    1 beet
    ½ cup (tea) of water
    4 tablespoons of ready-made tapioca flour
    Scrambled eggs

    Way of doing

    Start by mixing the beets and water in a blender. Strain and then mix three tablespoons of this beetroot juice with the flour. Mix with your hands until it forms a powder with small flakes. Using a sieve, cover the entire surface of a small skillet with the mixture and place over medium heat, letting it brown on both sides, as in any tapioca recipe. Remove the tapioca, place a spoon of scrambled eggs in the center and fold, serving next. In addition to eggs, the tapioca filling can have other items of your choice.

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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