The Power of Gratitude

    The more you give thanks, the more reason you have to be thankful. This is not just a popular saying. It is an affirmation based, literally, on the power of gratitude.

    Yes, gratitude has the power to tune events in the same vibrational range. When you raise your energy frequency by giving thanks for something, you tune into other events of the same high frequency and end up attracting more light into your life. That simple.

    Some people think the Law of Attraction is silly. Often, these people don't realize that it works for both positive and negative polarities. When we complain about something, we tune into the frequency of problems and can attract more problems into our lives.

    It's that old "wake up on the left foot" story and start complaining about this and that. When you least realize it, your day becomes a succession of problems.

    The Power of Gratitude
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    I strongly believe in the power of gratitude and experience it often in my life. I know that when I set out to be more grateful, my frequency goes up and more good reasons arise for me to become grateful again.

    In fact, it was not for nothing that I decided to write a book with gratitude as its central theme. After experiencing its true power, I decided to spread it and motivate more people to bring this energy into their lives. I created a step-by-step guide to help them make their lives fuller and more abundant: โ€œGratitude, Bring Me Moreโ€”10 Steps to Attracting More Abundance into Your Life.โ€ In this book, I encourage the reader to make gratitude a life practice, to give thanks and to show the Universe where he wants to go.

    • Recognize the action of gratitude in your financial life
    • Cultivate Gratitude in 11 Different Ways
    • Realize how gratitude is an exercise in transformation

    Make gratitude a lifestyle too. Familiarize yourself with this practice. Be grateful, raise your energy frequency and connect with people and situations that will give you more and more reasons to be grateful.

    Cherish and honor everything that life has already brought you, everything that the Universe has already given you. Thank and ask for more.

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