The importance of nutrition and food today

    The importance of nutrition and food today

    On August 31, we celebrate Nutritionist Day and to celebrate this date we will learn about the importance of this professional's role for the health and well-being of the population.

    Food and nutrition are important factors in health promotion. In this sense, food is the essential condition for the individual to have health, since it will reflect on their ability to perform work, to learn, in their physical shape and longevity, directly influencing the quality of life.

    The professional nutritionist is responsible for contributing to the promotion, maintenance and recovery of health through food, becoming a professional concerned with the dissemination of the importance of nutritional education, highlighting the benefits of adequate and healthy food for a more sustainable life. .

    In this context, it is necessary to emphasize that Dietetic Prescription is the private activity of the nutritionist in the adequacy of the diet of individuals for the prevention and treatment of diseases, being a qualified health professional, according to Law nº 8.234/91 and RES CFN nº 304 /2003 of the Federal Council of Nutritionists. Therefore, the prescription by other health professionals and the like, is characterized as an illegal exercise of the profession.

    The nutritionist gains more and more prominence and importance in different segments of society. Regardless of the chosen area of ​​activity, such as clinical nutrition, nutrition and collective health, collective nutrition, sports nutrition or teaching in Nutrition, the professional is qualified to perform the duties of administration, planning, organization, direction, supervision and evaluation. of food and nutrition services, hospital nutrition and dietetics unit, clinical and nutritional assistance to patients, nutritional therapy, as well as in the elaboration and execution of nutritional education programs, didactic materials of nutritional education for the area of ​​health education, in addition to to contribute to the training of other technical and undergraduate professionals, exercising the profession with full autonomy.

    It should know and, if possible, be part of public policies that govern food and nutrition programs in our country, participate in guidelines on national food and nutrition, as well as those of specific societies in the area. In addition to integrating teams from different areas of health. Dedication, the constant search for updating through studies, scientific research, courses and congresses is necessary, since the area of ​​nutrition is advancing rapidly and the preparation of the professional contributes with credibility and with their professional appreciation.

    The role of the nutritionist in society goes beyond the simple offer of a menu or diet, as is wrongly seen in many moments in the media. The objective is not to offer ready-made menus and diets that are not personalized, but to awaken and train the individual to change their eating behavior, to make healthier food choices that contribute to their physical and health well-being. It should encourage the educational process, through participatory methods with a behavioral-functional approach and meet the demands of what should be done in relation to food and nutrition, through nutritional education. Finally, it should direct the paths to the good health of individuals at different stages of life.

    The nutritionist must work with a holistic view of individuals, considering all their aspects (clinical and behavioral) to guide them to have a good quality of life. Therefore, it is necessary to know the attitudes that interfere in their lifestyle and that can influence their way of eating and their nutrition. Therefore, customs, eating habits, preferences, life stages, presence of diseases and lifestyle must be considered to satisfy individualized needs.

    This educational process also includes practical guidelines for the knowledge of foods and their functions, as well as training for the preparation of autonomous menus for everyday life, which meet the five senses and the principles of gastronomy and hospital food for those who need it. of dietary restrictions. Therefore, everyone can enjoy a healthy, inviting, varied, harmonious, fractional and safe diet. Contrary to what many people may believe, healthy eating is very tasty and affordable, as it is based on foods in natura and those minimally processed. It is necessary to remember that miraculous products or diets that have nutritional benefits do not exist, just notice the increase in indicators that point to the growth of obesity and diseases correlated to bad eating habits and the countless followers of fad diets.

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    Ensuring food safety, through the provision of safe meals, thus preventing outbreaks of gastrointestinal diseases and contributing to the control of chronic diseases as frequent today as: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, among others. Also considered a major concern of nutritionists.

    Currently, food is no longer seen only as a way to satisfy hunger, but to provide the individual with nutrients necessary for the construction, maintenance and repair of body tissues in order to prevent diseases. Considering that the frequency of poor diet can lead to the development of these important disorders, as already evidenced in the literature. In this way, it is clear that food has a great influence on people's quality of life and it is known that having a balanced and balanced diet, combined with good eating habits and the regular practice of physical activity, contributes to the improvement of health and quality. of life at any age.

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