The health benefits of melon

Melon: refreshing and very tasty fruit! Of African and Asian origin, it is cultivated in España, mainly in the Southeast, North and Northeast. With a mild and sweet flavor, most of its composition is water. But, much more than having flavor, it is able to benefit our health in countless ways! In addition to having a low caloric index, melon is extremely nutritious and still invigorates our body. But did you know that consuming melon constantly can give your health a "up"? Get to know the benefits of melon now and learn how to make some recipes with this wonderful fruit!

melon benefits

The health benefits of melon
Susanne Jutzeler / Pexels

Moisturizes and eliminates toxins

As melon is composed of a large amount of water, it is a great option to hydrate and eliminate toxins from the body. In addition, it is a fruit that has a low caloric index and helps the individual to maintain weight.

Aids digestion and promotes the feeling of satiety

Its high fiber content makes melon a practically digestive fruit! The union of its fibers with a fiber in the form of a gel called pectin gives a feeling of "full" stomach, thus preventing a person from eating more than they should.

Age as an antioxidant

There is a substance called bioflavonoid in melon, which has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, which acts directly on the elimination of free radicals, preventing cells from aging prematurely.

natural laxative

Because it is rich in water and fiber, melon acts as a natural laxative and helps relieve constipation if consumed constantly.

Prevents urinary diseases

A person who frequently eats melons is unlikely to have urinary problems. This is because this fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins that facilitate the functioning of the kidneys, easily eliminating toxins. In addition, melon controls the proliferation of bacteria that cause urinary infections, as it has an alkaline pH.

Increases immunity

In its composition, melon has many flavonoids, which are a source of carotenoids, minerals and antioxidants - so this fruit is considered a great ally of our immune system!

Improves eye health

The yellow color of the melon is due to a substance called zeaxanthin, which has the power to benefit the health of the retina.

control menstruation

Consuming melon often helps to control a woman's menstrual cycle, as this fruit helps with blood circulation and also has the anticoagulant action of its nutrients.

Relieves disease symptoms

Its large amount of carotenoids makes melon help in the treatment and relief of symptoms of rheumatism, gallstones, liver cirrhosis and gout.

The health benefits of melon
Suzanne Jutzeler / Pexels

Controls blood pressure

The high potassium content of melon helps control blood pressure, as well as having a diuretic function.

These were just some of the many benefits that melon can bring to our health. But now you must be thinking about the best way to consume this fruit, right?! And we will help you!

melon recipes

The health benefits of melon
Rierosa222 / Pixabay / Creative Commons

Melon juice


  • 1 and a half cups of chopped melon
  • 250 ml of water


Whisk all the ingredients together and serve without straining. There is no need to sweeten the juice, but if you want to use honey.

Iced melon candy


  • 1 seedless melon, cut into cubes
  • 200 ml of plain unsweetened and skimmed yogurt
  • 2 cups of skimmed milk
  • 2 spoons of honey
  • 2 packets of unflavored gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons skimmed milk powder
  • 2 beaten egg whites


Mix all the ingredients in the blender, except the egg whites and the melon. Then put the mixture in a container, add the snow whites and the melon cubes. Assemble as you prefer and take it to the fridge for at least three hours.

Compote Melon


  • 1 seedless melon, cut into cubes
  • 1 cup of tea water
  • 2 cups of sugar tea
  • 2 medium cinnamon sticks
  • 2 units of cloves
  • Juice of 1 Tahiti lemon
  • Tahiti lemon zest to taste


Take a large pot, put all the ingredients and let it cook for about 30 minutes, stirring every five. Then remove the pan from the heat and let it cool to put in a glass.

melon shaped bread


  • 2 cups of melon peel pulp (cook the peels in boiling water for 15 minutes and then blend them in a blender)
  • 300 g of wheat flour
  • 150 g whole wheat flour
  • 70 g of rolled oats
  • 70g whole grain granola
  • 2 tablespoons of chia
  • 1 tablespoon golden flaxseed
  • 1 coffee spoon of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of organic yeast
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil


In a container, add the white and whole wheat flour, oats, salt and yeast. Mix and then add the olive oil, the pulp of the melon peel and mix again. Knead the dough with your hands for about seven minutes and let it rest for at least 30 minutes in a refractory covered with a cloth. Then, add the chia, flaxseed and granola, mix, divide the dough into two parts and put them in shapes. Let it rest for another 30 minutes, then place it in the oven to bake on medium/high heat for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven, and bon appetit!

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What do you think about the benefits of melon and our recipes? Include this powerful fruit in your diet and improve your health with a lot of flavor!

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