The best nutrition is in the brain: Mediterranean diet and omega-3 is the recipe for better mental health

Digestion takes place in the stomach and intestine, but it is the hypothalamus, in the brain, that controls appetite and the need for food intake, being responsible for controlling hunger and thirst.

This brain region is related to survival, and for this reason it is located in the so-called reptilian brain. It is responsible for “reminding” us to eat and drink. Our brain represents 2% of the weight in our body, but uses 20% of the energy, so food is a source of vital energy. Relative to water, the brain consists of 73% water. If we remove the water, our brain consists of 60% fat and the best quality fat is omega-3.

Omega-3 is taken from fatty fish such as salmon, herring and sardines. Milk and eggs also have omega-3, but there is a catch: if the animals were fed from the pasture, it will have omega-3, if it is fed industrially, it will not be produced. Exactly like farmed salmon, which represents the majority of consumption and does not have omega-3, ideal for wild salmon. How about walnuts, chia seeds, flaxseeds? It also contains omega-3 and is a great fat for our brain. For babies, breast milk has omega-3s and research has already shown that children who were breastfed with it performed better in school.

We do not produce omega-3, it comes from the diet, in the case of breastfeeding, it comes from the nutrition in the mother's diet. The best alternative is natural sources and not vitamins, these are not proven to be a substitute with the same quality of natural foods.

The best nutrition is in the brain: Mediterranean diet and omega-3 is the recipe for better mental health
Anna Shvets / Pexels

The brain grows at a rate of 250 nerve cells per minute, during pregnancy, in the first 3 months the newborn's brain is 55% of the size of the adult brain.

And the best diet? The one from the Mediterranean, check out a routine in this diet:


Herbal tea and fruit, not many, enough. You can opt for the sandwich with two slices of wholemeal bread with goat or Minas cheese, olive oil, tomato, herbs and basil.

You can opt for dried fruits in the morning, as they have a lot of calories, they sustain throughout the day and are “burned” throughout the day.

Lunch Preparations

Fish especially the fatty ones that contain omega-3. Season it with herbs and spices like nutmeg, thyme, rosemary and oregano. Brown rice with lentils, vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower and salad. You can replace fish with lean meat, whether beef or pork, which is well cooked. Mushrooms are a great option for vegetarians and are high in protein.

The best nutrition is in the brain: Mediterranean diet and omega-3 is the recipe for better mental health
Quick Play / Pexels


Wait about 30 minutes after a meal to eat fruits like plums, oranges, pineapples, tangerines or kiwis.

Afternoon snack

Natural yogurt with berries with oat bran and a drizzle of honey. You can vary the next day with yogurt with live lactobacilli to help with the gut microbiota.


A light soup or a lighter meal like sardines, tuna, with eggplant, olive oil, olives, peppers, onions, garlic and you can add a slice of wholegrain bread to accompany.

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A good chamomile tea, basil with rosemary, apple, teas that promote good relaxation.

Thank you

Best regards

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