The benefits of Kombucha tea

    After the popularization of kefir, it was time for a new probiotic drink to be popular with people seeking a better quality of life and venturing into new flavors: kombucha.

    The drink is millenary, having its origin in China, but only a few years ago it began to be more widespread and used. It is a drink produced by the fermentation of teas (black, green, mate or hibiscus) or other substances rich in caffeine. Kombucha promises to improve intestinal flora and even assist in the slimming process.

    It also increases metabolism and strengthens the immune system, since, through fermentation, it gives rise to various nutrients, such as vitamins C, B3, B12, B6, B1 and B2 and carbonic, folic, gluconic and lactic acids.

    It is recommended that you start drinking kombucha with small doses. Early on, take half a glass in the morning, approximately 15 minutes before breakfast. If there are no unwanted side effects, such as going to the bathroom too much, increase the dose next week to another half a glass before bed. Go regulating your ideal amount from week to week, until you realize that you have arrived at the exact amount. But before using this drink, seek the guidance of a nutritionist!

    Now that you know everything about kombucha, learn how to make this drink by following the recipe below:

    - Ingredients

    2 liters of water
    3 tablespoons of green, black, mate or hibiscus tea
    0,5 cup granulated sugar
    2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
    1 scoby unit (mother colony of bacteria and yeast. They are usually donated by other people who make kombucha. On social media, you can find groups dedicated to this.)

    The benefits of Kombucha tea

    – Preparation mode

    Put the water to boil. At the beginning of the boil, add the sugar and stir for 5 minutes.
    Turn off the heat and add the tea, cover the pan and wait for the infusion for 15 minutes.
    Strain and let the tea rest until it comes to room temperature.
    Mix apple cider vinegar.
    Place inside a glass container.
    Include the kombucha scoby.
    Cover the container with a paper towel, secure around it with a rubber band and let it ferment for 7 days in a damp, dark place.

    Pour the kombucha into smaller, lidded glass containers and store in the refrigerator. Open only to drink or to make a second fermentation with the aim of flavoring and carbonating.

    Keep the colony inside the larger container, with some of the kombucha to keep your scoby creation.

    If you want to flavor and carbonate, repeat the operation, adding 200 ml of ready-made kombucha in place of the vinegar (and, if you want, fruit juice and specials – cloves, ginger, to taste). Separate into smaller containers and leave to rest for 48 hours out of the fridge. After that period, you can put it in the fridge. Kombucha will keep in the refrigerator, in an airtight container, for up to three months.


    Recipe source: Mimis Blog

    Written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team.

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