The benefits of apple

Who doesn't know the saying, "Eat an apple a day and keep the doctor away"? Well, he is extremely true, if we take into account the gigantic amount of benefits that an apple can bring to our health. It is a fruit with several types that gives us a considerable amount of vitamin A, vitamins of the B complex, vitamin C, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium and pectin.

It is also a low-calorie fruit, being an important ally in weight loss diets. They even say that the apple is a fruit of practically zero calorie, because the energy that our body uses to chew and to digest would be greater than the one supplied by the fruit. The apple also helps in the proper functioning of the intestine due to its high fiber content, but for this purpose it is recommended to eat with the skin and chew well to help with digestion. It is ally for the treatment of high cholesterol and It also helps prevent some types of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

There are plenty of reasons to include this delicious, accessible and beneficial fruit in your daily diet, right? Ideally, the fruit should be consumed fresh, at snack time and between meals. However, breaking out of the same can help to always have an apple in your diet. In this case, bet on juices, chips, jellies, cakes and cookies. But in these preparations always give preference to healthy compositions and include a small amount of sugar or salt.

Below we separate some recipes in which the apple is the star so that you can prepare and vary the way you consume it. Check and try:

The benefits of apple

Baked Apple Chips

(Taken from the Little Vanilla website)

Start by preheating the oven to the lowest temperature (preferably 110°C) for about 10 minutes. Slice two apples and don't forget to remove the seeds and stem. Line the pan with parchment paper and place the apple slices so that none overlap the other. Sprinkle with ground cinnamon and sugar to taste (a healthier option is to just add cinnamon). Bake at 180°C, with the door half open, for approximately 1 hour. Turn off the oven, turn all the apples over and keep for another 15 minutes in the oven.

To make a savory version of these chips, just sprinkle salt and paprika in place of cinnamon and sugar.

Flourless apple cake

(Taken from the Lucilia Diniz website)


  • 2 apples without skin;
  • 1 whole egg;
  • 1 clear;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 tablespoon of yeast;
  • 1 cup (tea) of gluten-free whole oat bran;
  • Powdered cinnamon for sprinkling (to taste).


Beat the apples in the blender along with the whole egg, the white and the banana;

Transfer to a bowl and add the yeast and oats;

Stir well and place in a non-stick form;

Cover with apple slices and bake for 30 minutes over medium heat;

To remove, wait for golden;

Sprinkle some cinnamon and serve!

Written by Roberta Lopes of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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