Tea for stomachache and gastritis

Many people live with stomach discomfort. Some have gastritis, others simply eat poorly and, therefore, impair digestion and the functioning of the body. There are some tea recipes that can be extremely effective in combating symptoms and promoting the relief of discomfort. Do you know any tea for stomachache and gastritis? Today, we are going to teach you how to make espinheira-santa tea, which is one of the most suitable for stomach problems.

Espinheira-santa is a plant that has numerous medicinal properties and contains important nutrients, such as Epigallocatechin, which regulates hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and silicic and tonic acids, which act as antiseptics and heal injuries. In addition, these acids fight ulcerative lesions of the organ. In addition, this plant produces tannins, which help in the control of gastric fermentations.

The fact is that espinheira-santa is a powerful natural remedy when it comes to any problem related to the stomach. This medicinal plant acts in the fight against gastritis and ulcers, relieves burning and heartburn, in addition to having a diuretic effect and also relieves gases. Here is the recipe for this tea for stomach pain and gastritis:

Tea for stomachache and gastritis
Image by congerdesign by Pixabay

Espinheira-santa tea

This tea acts as a neutralizer of stomach acidity and regenerator of stomach tissue. You can take it in the middle of a gastritis crisis, when you have heartburn, pain or discomfort in the organ.


– 01 tablespoon of espinheira-santa leaves (preferably dry);
– 250 ml of water.


Put just the water in a kettle and let it boil. As soon as the water reaches a boil, turn off the heat, add the espinheira-santa leaves, cover the kettle again and leave it to infuse for approximately 10 minutes. Then strain the leaves, serve the tea in a mug and drink it warm.

Tips: You can drink this tea on an empty stomach, about 30 minutes before meals or after them, because, in addition to relieving discomfort and regulating stomach acidity, it helps digestion. It is recommended to consume it a maximum of three times a day.

Tea for stomachache and gastritis
Image of scym by Pixabay

When not to consume espinheira-santa

You already know that this plant is a powerful tea ingredient for stomach pain and gastritis, but you must pay attention to the contraindications:

This tea is contraindicated during pregnancy, during pregnancy attempts and during women's infertility treatments, as it can be abortifacient. In addition, it is not suitable for breastfeeding mothers, as its properties can reduce breast milk production.

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Alert: Excess consumption of espinheira-santa tea can cause adverse reactions, such as nausea, dry mouth, headaches, cystitis, among other problems that can be avoided!

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