Taioba: enjoy the benefits of this powerful vegetable

Every day, we look for information that improves our quality of life, in different aspects: quality of sleep, quality in the work environment and in the profession, among any other areas of our life, such as food.

Day after day, we seek to improve our health, and our food can be an ally or a great villain in this regard. It all depends on what we decide to do with it, that is, what foods we decide to eat.

In this article, the I Without Borders will show you the main benefits of taioba, a powerful vegetable that can do wonders for your health and, therefore, help you on this important journey towards quality of life.

Flavor and nutritional value

Like other vegetables, taioba is low in calories but high in nutritional value. Typically from Minas Gerais and very popular in the gardens of Spanish houses (even people who do not know that the plant is edible), taioba has a flavor similar to spinach.

Taioba has vitamin A, which strengthens our eye system as a whole and our vision, in addition to helping to prevent diseases in this part of the body; it has vitamin B, which strengthens the neurological system; Vitamin C, which strengthens immunity and vision, as well as facilitates the healing process.

Taioba: enjoy the benefits of this powerful vegetable
Rodrigo Moreira/ 123RF

But its benefits don't stop there: taioba also increases the feeling of satiety, thanks to its fibers. Its level of calcium also helps to strengthen our bones and dental arch, in addition to iron, which strengthens our blood circulation and blood in general.

How do you prepare it?

Pay close attention when preparing the taioba! This plant has
significant amount of calcium oxalate and, therefore, if consumed raw, it becomes toxic. The released toxin causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and closure of the throat.

However, when the plant comes into contact with heat, the toxic content is completely released, making it safe for consumption. Therefore, abuse the forms of preparation, which are many!

The plant can be consumed sautéed (like cabbage), or in the middle of other preparations, such as broths, sauces, dumplings, savory pies, accompaniment to the famous rice and beans, among many other options, just use your imagination.

Taioba: enjoy the benefits of this powerful vegetable
Rodrigo Moreira/ 123RF

A few seconds in boiling water (or in contact with the strong heat of a frying pan, for example) will be enough to prepare the taioba, which can be served chopped or whole. Remember: the water from your cooking must be discarded. If you want to consume the stalk, it must be cooked for at least three minutes.

The most interesting thing about taioba is that, even after cooking, its nutrients remain intact.. So, enjoy all the benefits of the plant!

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Remember: having a healthy diet consists of ingesting proteins, carbohydrates, fibers, fat, vitamins and minerals; consists of eating vegetables, greens, fruits, grains, tubers and other food groups.

But, above all, it is worth saying that each organism works in a way and that it is essential to have the follow-up of a nutritionist or endocrinologist, professionals who will find the menu that perfectly fits your needs.

Written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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