Step by step of a composter

By composter it is possible to make the recovery of organic matter. You can do it at home and there are no mysteries. And if you live in an apartment, know that it is also possible.

Step by step of a composter

You know that leftover organic food? You don't have to discard it. If you have a coaster, can you turn it into compost and then use this land for those who know how to plant vegetables? Even in small environments, it is possible to make a compost bin.

How to make my compost
  • There's no mystery. You will need:
  • Box, if you are going to do it in your apartment. If it's on the ground, you can make a bed in the ground;
  • In the box or container, do not forget to make holes for air circulation;
  • To make the layers you will need organic waste, dry leaves, straw or sawdust and even soil;
  • After a few weeks all the material will get a darker color. But the important thing is that you move every 15 days to facilitate decomposition;
  • You'll notice that it's ready when it no longer has that bad smell, it's earthy. Then it will be ready to be placed in your vegetable garden or even in the garden.

Step by step of a composter

types of compost

There are several types of compost. It is even possible to buy some on internet sites. But if you want to make your own, there is no mystery. There are compost bins made of wood or other material and you can also make it if you have your own garden.

Benefits of a composter

In addition to knowing the whole process that involves moving the soil, the fertilizer coming from a compost bin is very welcome for the earth as it contains nutrients and not just synthetic chemicals that over time harm the environment.

Have a composter:

  • Helps improve the soil;
  • Activates soil life;
  • You will be helping the environment;
  • It will be helping to reduce the germination of seeds of invasive plants;
  • You will notice the difference of your plants fertilized from the composter. They will be more beautiful and alive!
  • It is amazing to gradually observe the amount of worms that will appear in your compost bin. That means a lot of health on earth!

Step by step of a composter

You saw, there is no mystery. There are several explainer videos on the internet showing how to make a compost bin. It may not work at first, but don't be afraid to experiment. Gradually you will change your relationship with garbage and the nature that surrounds you. Remember: you will be helping nature!

Text written by Angélica Fabiane Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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