Spiritual Nutrition: How Food Affects Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Have you ever stopped to think about the impact food can have on your body, mind and spirit? Although the industry seeks to erase this concept, returning to the origin has never been more necessary. This is because, every day, the volume of people who, through food, are completely disconnected from our mother earth grows.

Our body is a wonderful gift and we need to honor it. The food we eat can be a gift of nourishment to the body or it can be a negative injection to the body, mind and spirit. As we observe ourselves very little, we don't stop to notice the effects of each food we eat. Many of them, a few minutes after ingestion, we can already, if we stop to observe, verify if it is nourishing our body and mind or if the effect is just the opposite.

Spiritual Nutrition: How Food Affects Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

So I leave here the invitation for you to observe yourself before, during and after each food you ingest. Pay attention not only to the taste of the food, but where does that food come from, how close to the source of life is it? In addition to the taste, what sensations did he leave you with? Many of these side effects are scientifically proven, but what really counts is the impact on your body, and not just on it: in your mind and in your soul too.

“Our minds are energy fields that absorb the subtle energies of everything we eat and are affected by it.” In the same way that you need to be alert and in control of your motor skills to operate a vehicle, your spirit body needs to be in good health to properly operate your vehicle of the material world: your body.

Spiritual Nutrition: How Food Affects Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

4 foods that harm your physical, mental and especially spiritual nutrition

  1. Meat: invariably a source of suffering and pain, it is known to inhibit higher states of consciousness. Eating meat is absorbing the animal's mental state.
  2. Processed foods: extremely addictive and of very little nutritional value, when toxins enter the body, they start to cause immediate damage to your chakras. From anxiety attacks to stress, the list is long.
  3. Alcohol: although it is mass produced, mass promoted, legal and ingested by multitudes of people across the world, most people have never considered or understood the spiritual consequences of drinking alcohol. Intoxicating substance, which takes away consciousness, leaves us oppressed and asleep.
  4. Refrigerant: causing many harm to the physical body, it is also associated with addiction, stimulant, similar to heroin, releases dopamine while destroying your body.

Spiritual Nutrition: How Food Affects Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

Start listening to the voice of your intuitive self, the part of us that is intrinsically connected to our deepest truth and always attuned to what we need in body, mind and soul. Our intuition reminds us to slow down, listen and pay attention to the messages and signals our bodies are continually sending out about which spiritual foods are best for us at any given time. These messages can be conveyed in a variety of ways, such as genuine hunger, cravings, addictions, allergies, good and bad moods, high to low energy levels, physical discomfort, and pleasant sensations. As you begin to understand the subtleties of spiritual nourishment, you will be able to nourish your body, mind, and spirit more.

Remember the old saying "You are what you eat". Take care of your body so that your body takes care of you, and you will feel greater energy and heightened clarity right away!

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