Smile and exercise more

Laughter is the best medicine and also a great exercise. Do not believe? So read what we have to say and then smile to exercise more.

Smiling is a tremendous exercise and is good for the soul.

When we laugh, our brain increases endorphin production and release. This also happens when we do physical activity. laugh exercise muscles the face (12 more specifically) and smiling for 15 minutes burns 40 calories.

Still don't believe? A study carried out at Vanderbilt University (Texas, United States) revealed that the most smiling survey participants had 20% greater weight loss. At the end of a month, it is possible to lose up to 1.120 calories.

Laugh at life

Another proof that smiling is a physical activity is research from the Institute of Gerontology at Georgia State University (United States). Scientist Celeste Greene and her team designed an exercise routine for 27 seniors that combined strength, balance and flexibility activities lasting 45 minutes. After the session ended, participants performed 10 laughter activities preceded by eye contact and play. The duration of each “laughter” is 30 seconds each.

Smile and exercise more

After the survey, the volunteers answered a questionnaire. The researchers concluded that 96,2% of the elderly saw the smile as something that complements physical exercises, and that 88,9% felt more motivated to continue thanks to laughter. Scientists also noticed that the volunteers' mental health improved significantly.

reasons to smile more

You won't wait to smile more in old age, will you? We selected some health benefits of laughter. After that, you're sure to come out!

  • Strengthens the immune system

Smiling reduces cortisol and adrenaline levels. With these hormones low, defense cells increase, such as:

  • B lymphocytes, which produce antibodies;
  • Immunoglobin A, an antibody that acts against respiratory infections;
  • T lymphocytes, the “trackers” of viruses and bacteria;
  • NK cells, which destroy cancer cells.
  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Researchers at Loma Linda University in California (USA) evaluated people who had had a heart attack. The volunteers were divided into two groups: one watched 20 minutes of funny videos every day and the other did not. A year later, the first had a 66% reduction in C-reactive protein, related to heart problems. In the other group, the reduction was 26%.

The same university also monitored diabetics with high bad cholesterol who were taking specific medications. The volunteers were divided into two groups: the first combined the medication with daily 20-minute sessions of funny videos, the other continued with the medication. A year later, the first group had a 26% drop in bad cholesterol. In the other group, the reduction was 3%.

  • prevents wrinkles

Talking and laughing at the same time exercises 84 muscles. This movement stretches the skin and delays the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Improves blood circulation

Smiling increases the heart rate from 70 to 120. Elevation makes blood circulate better between cells, organs and tissues.

  • Facilitates digestion

The abdominal muscles are the most stimulated during a laugh. Moving massages the gastrointestinal system and this facilitates the digestive process.

  • Increases oxygen absorption

Laughter makes the lungs take in more air, exhalation gets better and the lungs become cleaner.

Smile more! Your smile should always be with you.

Written by Sumaia Salgado of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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