Sitz bath with apple cider vinegar

A sitz bath with apple cider vinegar is an ancient tip to regulate the vaginal pH when we want to relieve some discomfort in this region. But does this item so used in the kitchen really serve as a medicine? Learn more about it with the content we have prepared for you.

Why use apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar is often used to season salads, and many people doubt that it can be used in any other way, especially in the female intimate region. Before applying any product to our body, we need to understand more about them.

In an interview with UOL in 2020, Viviane Alves, a professor of microbiology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) warned: “There is no scientific work showing the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar to eliminate fungal infections in human tissues”.

That is, although many people use this ingredient in a sitz bath, believing that it can treat a disease in the intimate region (such as candidiasis, which is a fungal infection), there is no scientific proof for this type of treatment.

In the same report, Laísa Roteli, a gynecologist at Hospital São Luiz (SP) explained: “Candida by itself is acidic vulvovaginitis. Therefore, the use of vinegar or any other substance that also has a low pH tends to worsen the situation”.

Despite this, in an interview with Dicas de Mulher in 2022, Fabiana Nakano, a gynecologist at Campinas Reproductive Medicine, indicates a sitz bath with apple cider vinegar in some cases.

According to her, there are studies that show that apple cider vinegar has antiseptic action in vitro. Therefore, it could fight microorganisms that thrive in an alkaline medium, which is the opposite of the acidity of vinegar. Still, the procedure can only be performed with medical advice.

Based on the arguments presented, you could understand that using apple cider vinegar in a sitz bath is not indicated to treat fungal infections. However, with medical help, it can help relieve symptoms caused by some microorganisms, in the case of certain types of discharge.

Sitz bath with apple cider vinegar
Suzy Hazelwood / Pexels

How to make a sitz bath with apple cider vinegar?

If the apple cider vinegar sitz bath has been recommended to you by a healthcare professional, it's time to learn how to prepare this treatment safely. Check out:

Sitz bath with vinegar for candidiasis


  • A clean basin that you can sit on;
  • 3 liters of boiled water;
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.


Pour the still warm boiled water into the clean basin. Then, dissolve the apple cider vinegar in the liquid. Take off your underwear and sit on the basin for about 20 minutes, letting the water touch your body. It is possible to perform the procedure two or three times a day, according to medical indication.

Sitz bath with apple cider vinegar
alicjane / Canva

Sitz bath with vinegar for hemorrhoids


  • Bathtub or clean basin that you can sit on;
  • Enough boiled water to cover the entire anal area when sitting in the basin or bathtub;
  • 2 cups of apple cider vinegar.


Mix boiled water and apple cider vinegar in a clean basin or bathtub. The water temperature varies for each case, so medical monitoring is essential. After this process, sit in the liquid for about 20 minutes. The process can be repeated up to three times a day.

Care to be taken

As we presented earlier, the apple cider vinegar sitz bath is not indicated for all cases of problems in the intimate region. That's because the ingredient can increase the proliferation of fungi, irritate the skin (if it's not diluted) or aggravate the problem you're trying to fight.

Even in cases where apple cider vinegar sitz bath is indicated, it does not replace other forms of treatment. After all, preparation works as a relief from symptoms, not as a method of healing. That's why it's extremely important that you always consult health professionals when you feel any change or discomfort in your body.

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From the information presented, we conclude that the sitz bath with apple cider vinegar is an important ally to balance the vaginal pH. However, you need to follow the correct procedures to enjoy the benefits of vinegar. If you are still experiencing discomfort in the intimate region, seek medical help for a more targeted treatment. Take care of yourself!

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