simple detox juice

The simple and original detox juice has long since been left behind. After all, there are many ways to prepare detox juices from different natural sources. The truth is that if you had forgotten about this simple juice, we came here to remind you of its existence.

Possessing the main ingredients such as cabbage and pineapple, there are many benefits that we can acquire from this juice. Kale is rich in vitamin A and folic acid, which makes it a very nutritious leaf.

On the other hand, kale is also very low in calories, which makes it a great ally for those who want to lose weight.

The potassium present in its leaves is also very effective in controlling blood pressure.

simple detox juice

On the other hand, pineapple is rich in bromelain and is a great natural anti-inflammatory.

In addition, being a fruit rich in vitamin C, it is responsible for preventing cancer and heart diseases.

Simple detox juice recipe

Now that you already know the great benefits of these foods separately, can you imagine the potential of this mixture? Well, now you don't have to wait any longer, let's get to the recipe!

simple detox juice


1 whole pineapple (cut into small pieces);
2 cabbage leaves (without the stalk and chopped);
250 ml of water.

How to prepare:

To prepare this simple detox juice recipe, puree everything in a blender, strain and serve yourself.

simple detox juice

Extra alternative: Simple detox juice with mint

Mint is a great helper for people who have asthma and respiratory problems in general, as it works to open the airways. Flu symptoms can be easily eliminated with the use of mint as well, as well as helping the digestive system.


1 whole pineapple (cut into small pieces);
2 cabbage leaves (without the stalk and chopped);
5 mint leaves;
250 ml of water.

How to prepare:

As with the previous recipe, add all ingredients to a blender and blend until well blended, strain and serve.

simple detox juice

Follow-up tip: Crepioca


1 egg;
1 tablespoon of tapioca gum;
A bit of salt.

How to prepare:

Start by beating the egg well in a container next to the tapioca starch. This mixture needs to be very homogeneous! Then add salt to taste and mix a little more.

Now, to fry the dough you must put some oil in the frying pan and put the mixture. Keep turning the dough until it is at the point of your desire - usually golden.

As a filling you can put cheese and chopped tomato, close the dough and wait for the cheese to melt. Okay, now you have a very nutritious meal waiting for you and very simple to prepare.

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Sit back and enjoy your detox juice, plain or mint, with this delicious side dish.

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