Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water

Water helps with digestion, regulates body temperature and sweeps toxins out of the body. To enjoy the benefits of the universal solvent, we must drink between 1,5 and 2 liters daily. Are you drinking the right amount of liquid? Do not know? So, find out what the signs that show you don't drink enough water.

Dry mouth

the most obvious reflection of lack of water in the body is often ignored. Water hydrates the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, so it becomes dry when we are dehydrated.

skin dryness

A body with little water produces less sweat, which means that impurities are not completely eliminated.

Decreased urine and change in color

Those who do not drink the correct amount of water only pee 2 or 3 times a day, and the normal is 6 or 7 times. The decrease in urine happens because the kidneys cannot remove impurities from the body. The color of the pee also changes, it becomes dark because the kidneys are not working properly.

Intestinal malfunction

Water lubricates the digestive system, with dehydration it can be difficult to go to the bathroom.

Dry and red eyes

Drink less water than necessary makes it difficult to clean the retina, resulting in dryness and redness of the eye. Contact lens wearers suffer the most from this.


Sometimes hunger can be thirst. To differentiate one from the other, drink water very slowly.

Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water


Dehydration makes the body borrow water from the blood. Borrowing reduces water and oxygen levels, resulting in tiredness and drowsiness.

Joint pain

Those who forget to drink water may experience joint pain, because 80% of the composition of cartilage and spinal discs is water, which prevents joint damage.

less muscle mass

Drink water before, during and after exercise. With the body dehydrated, you feel pain and lose muscle mass.

Weak immune system

Um sign that you need to drink more water is the weakening of the immune system. With the body full of impurities and having to take water from organs that are still hydrated, there is a breakdown.

convinced two signs that you don't drink enough water? Every time you ingest the liquid, do it slowly so it reaches all the organs. See more reasons to hydrate your body: Reasons to drink more water.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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