Signs You're Mentally Exhausted

Have you ever had the feeling of being mentally tired after a long day at work? If so, know that you are not alone. According to a survey carried out by IBOPE, 98% of Spanish people present this situation. Mental exhaustion occurs when the frontal lobes, areas of the brain responsible for planning actions and movements, overwork. In this overload, hormones and neurotransmitters such as cortisol, responsible for controlling stress, and noradrenaline, associated with attention and a sense of motivation, fall dramatically.

Loss of concentration, slower thinking, memory difficulties, discouragement and sleep disturbances are the first signs of mental exhaustion. Many people ignore it because they think it's freshness, however, it can be more dangerous than physical exhaustion. Stressful work routines can cause emotional problems in a short time. Know the other signs of this problem:

  • emotional out of control
  • unbridled perfectionism
  • feeling of worthlessness
  • Apathy
  • Anxiety
  • Weakened immune system (hair loss, colds, migraine attacks, palpitations, and menstrual changes)

Signs You're Mentally Exhausted

Burnout syndrome

Known since 1974, Burnout Syndrome is common in professionals with psychologically exhausting routines and who demand intense interpersonal relationships. Health professionals, education, social assistance, human resources, firefighters, police officers, correctional officers and women who work outside and take care of the house are the ones most at risk, however, students and unemployed who are on a chronic level of nervousness are also affected. by the syndrome.

Burnout Syndrome is registered in Group V of the ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems). The WHO (World Health Organization) classified the syndrome as one of the diseases that most affect Europeans and Americans, second only to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The main symptoms are:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • memory failure
  • Aggressiveness
  • Isolation
  • Pessimism
  • Depression
How to avoid?

Mental exhaustion and Burnout Syndrome can be avoided with simple measures. See what to do below:

  • take care of health

At work, take breaks for stretching and breathing exercises, learn by clicking here. Practice physical activity, sleep well and have a balanced diet. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is a nutrient that strengthens the nervous system, helps the body produce cells and control serotonin, a hormone associated with well-being. Banana, avocado, dark vegetables, beans, soy and beef liver are some sources of this vitamin.

  • Organize your priorities

No one can do a thousand things at once. Organize your professional schedule so you don't take work home. Also be careful not to overload yourself with household chores.

  • exercise the mind

Do activities that keep your mind active like reading and doing crossword puzzles or word searches.

Prevention is always the best medicine. Follow our tips and at any sign of nervous breakdown, seek medical help.

Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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