Shiitake is the mushroom of the moment: know its benefits

There are several types of mushrooms around the world and many of them are inedible because they are poisonous and cause harm to humans, which is not the case with the famous shimeji and shiitake.

These two mushrooms are very popular in oriental food and have numerous benefits and reasons why you should include them in your diet.
Shiitake is a mushroom that can be easily grown inside tree trunks and is a great ally for our immune system, helping to prevent diseases and infections. It also helps in strengthening bones and muscles. Check out 11 benefits of shiitake in the body:

Shiitake is the mushroom of the moment: know its benefits1) It has a large amount of proteins, being able to replace red meat in meals;

2) Rich in fibers that help to reduce blood sugar, it is a very suitable food for diabetics;

3) Its abundance in folic acid and vitamin B9 is quite remarkable. A portion of food a day supplies the daily need for this vitamin, which is so important for the proper functioning of the nervous system;

4) The presence of a substance called lentinan helps in maintaining the body's immune system, preventing and fighting diseases and infections;

5) Lentinan has also been identified as a substance capable of reducing the chances of developing cancer and even fighting cancerous cells;

6) The same substance, lentinan, is capable of preventing thrombosis, as it prevents the formation of clots that block circulation;

7) In addition to its antitumor and antiviral properties, shiitake also stimulates the body's white blood cells and antibodies;

8) It is proven to be a food that reduces bad blood cholesterol;

9) It has a large amount of selenium, a very important mineral for the health of blood vessels and thyroid;

10) Helps control blood pressure (for hypertensive patients) and reduces the risk of a stroke;

11) One serving of the food provides 70% of the copper needs and 50% of the daily intake of vitamin B5.

We can find it in the form of oil, natural and dehydrated. It can be added to soups, stews and other dishes.

But, remember, the ideal is to ingest approximately 75 to 100g of food per day, because if ingested in excess it can be harmful.

Quick and delicious recipe with Shiitake:
Carpaccio de Shitake

– 100g of fresh shiitake;
– Shall;
- Pepper;
– Juice of two Sicilian lemons;
– Juice of one lemon;
– 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil;
-12 chopped black olives;
– 4 slices of bread for the croutons;
– Chopped French chives;
– 80g of Parmesan cheese.

Cut the shitakes into thin slices and place on a plate, season with salt and pepper to taste, add the lemon juice and drizzle with olive oil. Finish with olives, croutons and chives. Grate Parmesan on top.

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