Running is a great antidepressant, according to Drauzio Varella

Running is a great antidepressant, according to Drauzio Varella

The well-known doctor in the country, Drauzio Varella, woke up to the race when he found a friend from high school that he hadn't seen for a long time. At the time, the friend told Drauzio that the age of 50 is when man's decadence begins. The doctor, who was about to turn half a century, was startled by the statement and decided to change his life. Drauzio decided that he would run the New York marathon in a year. Today, aged 72, the doctor is a marathon runner with an enviable curriculum, who has traveled the world in search of 42-kilometer races. Drauzio has been to Buenos Aires, Boston, Chicago, Berlin and even Tokyo.

Author of several books, Drauzio now tells his stories in the book Correr. In addition to his racing experiences, Drauzio also offers medical information about the race. The coolest thing is that the book shows its readers that it is really not easy to leave laziness aside and start exercising, and reaffirms the need to make a change in habits in life so that we can live with more quality and for a long time. more time.

Drauzio says that, when he started running, the first change was in his discipline. The doctor says that when training for marathons, he needed to establish a routine, and with that he became more focused on other day-to-day activities. Another important change in Drauzio's life is that when he reached a goal, such as running a marathon, he gained more and more self-confidence, warding off depression.

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The doctor fell so in love with running that now he doesn't think about stopping anymore. Despite knowing that at some point the body will ask for rest, he intends to run until the last minute he has the strength, discipline and health to do so.

  • Written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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