10 energy thieves

It all depends on energy. A car, for example, can only run if its parts are in order, if the amount of oil is adequate, if there is enough water in the engine and if it has fuel. However, if this fuel has mixed any element more or less into its original formula, it can damage the car. For automobiles, the equation of water, oil and good quality fuel constitutes the lifeblood of the car.

We also have energy. When we can use it correctly, we work with pleasure, study with motivation, believe in the beauty of relationships, see the beauty of life and face challenges with our heads held high and our hearts open. Unlike the car that depends on the man to assemble it and take care that there is no shortage of water, oil and fuel, it is up to us to learn to master and have access to our energy.

There are external agents that can interfere, even suck our energy. There are people who are true "dry peppers". Who has never been in the situation of caring for a plant with all affection and getting upset because it died out of nowhere? Talking to family and friends, do you report the problem and come to the conclusion that the plant lost its life after you received a visit from a friend or neighbor? Another common situation of theft of vital energy is when you are super willing and, after meeting with a certain person, the initial situation turns into discouragement.

10 energy thieves

According to spiritual leader Dalai Lama, there are 10 situations that steal our energy. See what they are:

1. Toxic people

They open their mouths just to talk about their problems and lament their bad luck. They look for dumpsters to unload. Don't let your mind become a dump of toxic feelings.

2. Be in debt

Pay your bills on time. Having financial responsibility allows us to face others (and ourselves) with our heads held high.

3. Not keeping promises

Promises must be taken seriously. If you cannot fulfill a request, say no.

4. Do not delegate tasks

It's not about pushing your responsibilities onto others. We need to be aware that we don't have enough capacity to perform certain activities. It can also happen that you are not in a good moment and mess things up.

5. Don't rest

Sometimes we need to stop. In a world where the now is the watchword, knowing when to stop and reflect is a sign of wisdom.

6. Not organizing your space

Things and feelings that do us no good should be left behind.

7. Not taking care of your health

It's no use having the best job, money and material goods if we don't have health. Eat well, exercise and consult a doctor.

8. Not facing difficult situations

Not taking on challenges is turning them into more serious things. Become aware of them, analyze how to solve them and focus on the most complicated situations first.

9. Not being able to accept

In some cases, we need to accept that we cannot change certain things. We need to distinguish them and aim for situations in which we can and should interfere.

10. Not being able to forgive

Those who are not forgiven move on, but those who do not forgive remain stagnant. When we are guided by hatred and rancor, we make hasty decisions. Free your heart from negative feelings and live longer and better.

Children, they are also targets

The “broken”, “broken” or simply the evil eye also affects children. Fathers and mothers have certainly been through the situation of seeing their child soft, crying and with diarrhea and returning from the pediatrician without a diagnosis. Grandparents, grandfathers and other older relatives soon say that the child is “broken” or “broken”. Conventional wisdom says that healthy, smart, and beautiful children receive negative energy through praise. The healers are sought after as soon as the problem is identified. They remove negative energy with prayers and herbs.

The question that remains is what makes a person to be envious or “pepper dry”? Does she transfer her negative energy on purpose? Before we judge, we need to analyze why their attitudes are always negative. When a plant dies after being looked at and touched by someone envious, it's probably a sign that it can't cultivate any bond. This inability works in the same way as a weed that spoils the crop. When a child becomes discouraged and has clinical symptoms without being sick, it could be a mother or father who lost a child as a child and was unable to overcome the trauma.

Identifying an envious

Envy manifests itself in many ways. Let's check out some types of envious. Who knows, you may not identify some of them.

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The envious yo-yo demands that everything good revolves around him. They don't accept that anyone has good jobs, fulfilling consumer dreams. When he sees that someone has bought a washing machine, the envious yo-yo runs to the first store and buys a washing machine, even if his own is brand new.


He doesn't say anything about himself, on the other hand, he meddles in the lives of others, wanting to know what “so-and-so” bought, how “so-and-so” travels so much. The more a person talks about others, the more he has to hide.


It always provides your negative perspective. If the person tells you that he is dating, he says he will be cheated on. Anyone who says they got a job warns that they will lose it because of the economic crisis.

direct bullet

This kind of envy is like a bullet in a revolver, it hits the target and hurts. A woman who looks at another and says "you're fat like an elephant" has problems with her own body, and can't stand anyone who has their self-esteem up to date.

Envy, unfortunately, is present everywhere. This toxicity contaminates the work environment and can suck your spirit to work, when the envious, not enduring their professional success, becomes capable of creating intrigues. If you're feeling discouraged, with the feeling that something is pulling you back, here are some tips on how to deal with envy at work:

  • Place a discreet mirror at your workstation. Position it in the direction of those who do everything to pull your rug. Whatever she wishes bad for you will be reflected and come back against her.
  • Keep in mind mantras or psalms. Two examples are: “The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall not want”, “With each negative desire of his, the greater my protection and ascension”. She chooses and repeats it mentally when the envious approaches.
  • Practice yoga, meditation, or any activity that works the mind.
  • Make a charm with a pepper pendant, Greek eye, the crystal of your sign, a black tourmaline and a four-leaf clover. Tie everything together with a yellow ribbon and a red ribbon.
  • Keep a vase with rosemary and rue at home. Put a paper with the name of the envious. This will not harm you, it will just keep you away from negative energy. Other good plants to ward off envy are: Saint George's sword, me-no-one-can and pepper.

People who aim to spread their negativity are, in fact, unenlightened beings, without the strength to overcome their limitations and to compensate for this inability, make mean comments, want to live the lives of others, because theirs are unhappy. However, as much as they deserve understanding and compassion, their presence should be avoided. They are extremely toxic and everything that is toxic contaminates and can even kill. Being around an envious person makes you tired physically and mentally.

If you can't avoid proximity, there are tips for you recharge your energies. Write it down in your notebook to apply in your daily life:

leave home

Go to your building's leisure areas, go for a walk or read. If you meet someone you know, strike up a conversation. Breathing new air will renew your being.

do something different

Listen to a style of music you've never heard before. Change the way you go to work.

Organize your things

If you have clothes and shoes that you no longer wear in good condition, donate them to charities. Grab your document folder and see what can be discarded.

mix with the earth

Caring for plants is excellent therapy. If you have space, make a vegetable garden at home. Have you ever thought about having fresh vegetables and spices?

lay on the floor

When you go to the park, lie on the floor. At home, cultivate the habit of lying on the floor and light a lavender or lavender incense, they perfume and bring lightness.

drink ice water

Temperature stimulates the body to function better, as it cleanses the organs.

take a cold shower

Cold water activates circulation and wakes you up.

Bathing is a great ally in energy recovery, so much so that we are going to extend this topic and give more tips on how to turn it into a true ritual:

  • Boil three liters of water and throw three sunflowers into the container. Turn off the heat and place a chopped Saint George's sword. When it is warm, add three drops of chamomile essence. Pour this mixture into your body from the neck down.
  • Place three violets in the sun. When they dry, put them in a liter of water and add five drops of lavender perfume. Put it on the body and let it dry naturally.
  • Drop drops of cinnamon essence into two liters of hot water. Wait for it to cool and light a cinnamon incense. Pour the water over your body very slowly. Let it dry naturally.
  • Fill the bathtub with warm water. Place wildflowers and keep your eyes closed for half an hour, with music that imitates the sounds of nature as the soundtrack. Afterwards, shower normally.
  • Light white candles in the bathtub and fill the bathtub. Put chamomile, rosemary and fennel and keep your eyes closed for 30 minutes. After that time, take your shower normally.


10 energy thieves
Pexels/Valeria Boltneva

A balanced diet nourishes body and soul. By consuming these foods, you can recover your energy:

Omega 3

It increases the production of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, substances responsible for well-being. Invest in salmon, tuna, sardines, watercress, flaxseed, chia and walnuts.


Bananas, papayas, avocados, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, chard and spinach are rich in this mineral. They hydrate and bring energy back.


Improves physical performance. Consuming Brazil nuts, beets, pumpkin and sunflower seeds make you ready to exercise, recommended activities to recover energy.

Feng Shui

This ancient Chinese technique aims to establish a connection between yin (water) and yang (wind) – the forces necessary to conserve the positive influences of a place and redirect negative forces.

A practical way to apply Feng Shui in your home is to place water sources to unlock energy channels, in addition to wind chimes. They can be made of wood or bamboo, stimulate creativity and self-confidence. Suitable for quiet rooms, which strengthens family relationships. There are wind chimes made of metal, they attract money and should be placed near windows, doors, porches and at the entrance of the house. Regarding colors, blue and red for living rooms and bedrooms, colored (rainbow) for outdoor areas.

Don't let envious people steal your energy. Move away from their toxicity, but remember that they deserve compassion as they are unenlightened beings. Do your rituals to drive away their negative energy, however, remember to say a prayer or wish that she finds the path of light, so she can finally live a happy life.

Bad everyday habits are also energy thieves. Do not accept high work demands, as you will surely have to sacrifice hours of sleep, eat poorly and deprive yourself of the company of loved ones. Taking care of your health is an important step towards regaining energy. Sleep well, drink plenty of water and eat right.

Remember the beginning of this conversation. The vehicle needs the man to be assembled and to receive good quality water, oil and fuel. However, your energy depends only on you. Take the necessary steps to capture, retain and renew your energy. You are solely responsible for your happiness, never forget that.

  • Text written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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