Frequency 432Hz: what is it?

Have you ever stopped to think about how many sounds surround us daily? Birds, running water, objects that collide, voices of people talking, church bells, engines and horns, dogs barking, babies crying, the TV news vignette and, when on the radio, country music or funk music.

Sound is a wave that, through the vibration of molecules, propagates through the air and other media. Sound vibrations are defined by frequencies, which are the amount of sound vibrations per second, measured in hertz (Hz), named after the physicist Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894). Loud (treble) sounds have high frequencies and low (bass) sounds have low frequencies.

Peace, love, health and tranquility are some benefits obtained when listening to sounds with hertz frequencies associated with meditation, for example. Humans can hear sound frequency ranges between approximately 20 Hz and 20.000 Hz.

You may have noticed that some songs leave us feeling energized, dancing and electric, while others leave us calm, relaxed and sleepy. They are able to place us in a specific vibration because they are energy and, depending on the frequency, they can bring a harmonic effect or the opposite.

Here, we will specifically address the influences of sounds with a frequency of 432 Hz. Read on and learn more about this thought-provoking subject!

What is 432 Hz frequency?

The 432 Hz frequency is known as the most consistent in nature and was widely used in Gregorian chant. It has the characteristic of creating a healing vibration for the body, mind and spirit. This is because this frequency harmonizes the cells, as it relates to nature's ability to self-regenerate.

Frequency 432Hz: what is it?
Luan Rezende / Pexels / Canva

With this frequency, there is an increase in the activities of the right hemisphere of the brain, responsible for creativity and imagination. It is attributed to her the perfect attunement, capable of causing relaxation and tranquility, reaching the body and mind, allowing the expansion of consciousness and raising the level of perception and control of thoughts. In this way, it is possible to understand feelings and emotions more accurately, reevaluate judgments, find the reasons for sadness and to achieve goals.

The 432 Hz frequency can make the brain reach the alpha state of the 8 Hz frequency, which would allow the right and left hemispheres of the brain to be synchronized and achieve superconsciousness, important for self-perception and for learning from mistakes and successes.

It is possible, with the frequency 432 Hz, to change the mental model (mindset), develop skills and raise them to their maximum potential. It makes it possible to break patterns and achieve cognitive and emotional development, as well as spiritual evolution.

When music has a frequency of 432 Hz, it unites the body and mind with nature, acts on the heart chakra, influences the state of happiness and releases emotional blocks, bringing a sense of inner peace and pleasure. Great composers such as Bach, Mozart, Chopin and Verdi originally used the 432 Hz frequency to create their masterpieces.

Some of the benefits of the 432 Hz frequency are:

  • Releases energy and leads to a state of natural and intense relaxation;
  • Unites body and mind with nature;
  • Influences spiritual development;
  • Brings inner peace;
  • Brings clarity to the mind;
  • It causes a feeling of peace and well-being;
  • Release emotional blocks;
  • Enables the attainment of superconsciousness and nirvana.

How does sound frequency impact us?

Music therapy, which is used for physical, mental and social rehabilitation, adopts different resources for this, according to the needs of each one. This means that this process can include musical instruments, singing, sounds and various noises for the development of sensitivity, creativity, memorization, cognitive skills and others.

Frequency 432Hz: what is it?
Levent Simsek / Pexels / Canva

Crystal bowls, tuning forks, Tibetan bowls, wind gongs, cymbals and wind chimes, for example, are instruments used to produce sounds and vibrations according to the purpose or objective to be achieved – and in the desired frequencies. This is because sounds are powerful therapeutic treatment resources, and this discovery is not new, as ancient peoples, such as the Egyptians, already used the sound of things for this purpose.

Which songs have a frequency of 432 Hz?

Known as the frequency of joy, healing and miracle, 432 Hz music and sounds are soft and reminiscent of nature. However, this is present in unusual musical genres, such as rock, which were tuned according to this frequency, bringing what we know in everyday life even closer to therapeutic vibrations. Here are some suggestions for listening and experiencing great sensations from the 432 Hz frequency!

Frequency of Joy 432 Hz β€” Frequency of Miracles releases serotonin and endorphin

25* Mozart music therapy piano at 432 hz frequency of the universe β€” Relaxation, meditation, prayer

Deep Healing Music for the Body and Soul β€” DNA Repair

Frequency of Miracles β€” Increase positive energy & release internal struggles and conflicts

Miracle Music – Clean your house, heal your home, clear negative energy and old vibes

Sounds are fundamental to the human being; they represent life in all its multiplicity and breadth and accompany the cognitive and spiritual evolution of humanity. Music represents the mastery and organization of sounds and is intended to bring out the human creative capacity. It is, in itself, a language understood worldwide.

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The vibrations of sounds and music are energies that speak to the mind, heart and soul. Think about how sound sensations, even the noisiest, represent the richness of life on the planet. Take advantage of the 432 Hz frequency to transform and evolve!

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