Power of warm lemon water for your health

If you want to lose some pounds that you've gained during the holidays, a good tip is to drink warm water with lemon. The daily practice of this, in addition to helping you lose weight, provides several benefits for our health, as it helps in the purification of the body.

Being at a warm temperature, lemon water helps to eliminate fat that is present throughout the digestive system. This mixture also helps in the production of gastric juice and saliva, thus facilitating digestion and improving the pH of the blood.

Power of warm lemon water for your health

Check out some of the benefits that this rich mixture can provide for your health here.

1. Improvement of the digestive process

This mixture ends up helping the liver to produce bile, an acid that is used in the digestive process. In addition, lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals, which eliminate toxins from the digestive tract.

It is worth mentioning that drinking warm water with lemon also helps in relieving some symptoms caused by indigestion, such as belching, burning in the stomach and distention in the abdomen.

Some doctors prescribe to cancer patients to drink hot water with lemon, as this is a mixture capable of stimulating bowel movement.

2. Purifying effect

Drinking warm water with lemon makes the individual urinate more. In this way, unwanted materials are eliminated from our body more quickly, helping in the detoxification process.

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4. pH balance

Drinking lemon water regularly in the morning helps balance pH levels. This means that it helps to eliminate all acidity, including uric acid present in the joints, thus reducing inflammation and pain.

5. Helps in weight loss

Lemon is a powerful anti-inflammatory and has antioxidant action. Therefore, it is correct to say that it has high levels of pectin fiber, a substance that helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.

6. Hydration of the lymphatic system

You may have already noticed that when you lose a lot of body fluid, you end up feeling more tired, slower, lack of energy, insomnia, reduced immunity, low blood pressure and constipation. Therefore, drinking warm water with lemon helps the human body and our immune system to recover the fluids that the body has eliminated.

7. Benefits for the skin

Because it is rich in antioxidants, lemon helps to reduce blemishes and wrinkles, in addition to promoting the fight against free radicals. Those who make regular use of this mixture end up with healthier skin, as vitamin C promotes the fight against acne-causing bacteria.

8. Promotes breath freshness

In addition to helping to promote breath freshness, lemons also help relieve gingivitis and toothaches. But be aware that the citric acid present in lemons can spoil your tooth enamel. Therefore, it is best to wait a significant amount of time to brush them after drinking warm lemon water.

Power of warm lemon water for your health

Text created by Flรกvia Faria Santos from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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