How to attract amazing people into our life

We are constantly growing and evolving, and during the growth process it is very important to have a healthy support system and relationship with the people around us. It's only with the right support team that we can move forward in life with confidence.

The truth is we need people, no man is an island, knowing how to attract the right people around you, whether in your personal or professional circle, will really change your life and prepare you to move forward, giving you clarity and insight. about who should be part of your Inner Circle and how to work on yourself to start attracting the right and like-minded people to become part of your Inner Circle.

Take a look at your circle of friends. Do these people inspire you to achieve greatness, or does their negative energy make you feel unmotivated and stagnant?

If it's the latter, it's time to find new friends you empathize with and trust.

“We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”

Who you spend time with is who you become. If you want to accomplish great things in life, you need to surround yourself with great people. It's that simple.

Are you ready to finally start attracting the right people into your life? Who are the types of people you want to attract into your life? What kind of qualities do they have? If you're not sure who you want to attract, you won't attract them.

You need to be constantly working to grow and improve yourself if you want to attract high-quality people into your life. If you are a negative person who is always complaining, these are the types of people you will attract into your life. Do whatever it takes to attract people who attribute the same way of life that you aspire to.

If you want amazing people in your life, be an amazing person!

So here are 6 ways to attract amazing people into your life.

How to attract amazing people into our life
franckreporter / Getty Images Signature / Canva

1- Learn to let go

The first thing you can do is know how to let go of the outcome of things that are happening, how to let go of labels because we know that our beliefs create our emotions and our reality.

We lock ourselves into this reality and when we are attached to how things go on the outside, believing that “such a person” or “the world” needs to change before I can change, you are probably projecting beliefs of your own. And if other people, situations and places cause a reaction within you, know that you have an energetic vibration that causes reactions in other people as well!

Similar energies attract each other. Positive people hang out together. And complaining, dramatic and angry attract people with the same energy patterns!

2- Participate

Things don't happen by accident or luck. You can choose to put yourself in the path of those people you want in your life. Create spaces to put people in your life. Expose yourself to new people and new opportunities. Do something you've never done before, like go to a class you've always wanted to attend or go somewhere you've always wanted to go.

How to attract amazing people into our life
jkitan / Getty Images Signature / Canva


Since everything has a different vibrational quality, you need to learn what the vibrational frequency of the people you want to attract is.

Look around you for people who are depressed or angry. They attract negative people, unpleasant circumstances, low-paying jobs, and unreliable circumstances. You can use the power of positive affirmations to attract people you can trust, who are honest and positive. Our words create energetic seeds that will be released, sown in the universe and you will reap them for sure. For example: “I attract amazing, like-minded, positive, dream-driven people every day!” and “I am aware of the opportunities around me to connect with people who are heading for success!” This kind of positive self-talk can give you power and focus and raise your vibration.

4-Be clear about who you are

Do you really know who you are? Often, your desire to fit the mold that society has created for you prevents you from becoming who you really are. The more authentic you are, the more you will attract the right people to you. Feelings are the most powerful vibration lifters. You can talk and talk to yourself, but unless you feel it, it will not raise your vibration.

5-Learn to say no

You might think, “This doesn't make sense, how can the right people come into my life if I say 'No'?” The most common way to stop the right people from entering your life is to try to please everyone. If you're keeping everyone happy, you're not being special to anyone. When you love yourself, you protect yourself and keep boundaries to manage your time and energy. Don't attract bullies and toxic people by learning to say "no" when necessary.

How to attract amazing people into our life
izabel17 / Getty Images / Canva

6-Have a positive outlook on life

If you really love yourself, accept who you are. You will be at peace with who you are and it will be much easier to attract the right people naturally. Doing this allows you to be positive about life. It changes everything when you set a positive mindset about life. You will see this from a different lens. It will make everything that much more wonderful. When you are happy, you will notice everything you like about other people and let go of what you don't like about them.

There is a story of a traveller. He travels from one city to another. He asks an old man guarding the gate of a new city he was about to visit: “How are the people in this city? Are they good or bad? ” The old man asks, “How were the people in the last place you were? ” The traveler replied: “ Evil! They were all thieves and liars! ” The old man replied, “Then you will see the same in this city. Because your perspective will determine what you see in people. ”

Your relationships will reflect the relationship you have with yourself.

You get what you put out there.

You attract what you are.

So to attract the right people, you need to be the right person for yourself.

The ThetaHealing® You and Your Inner Circle course is designed to help you move forward successfully in all aspects of your life, putting the right people around you, knowing who your best friend should be.

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In this course we will teach you how to recognize your inner circle and how to discern what level of development the people around you are. We will show you the different stages of the mind: the child stage, the parent stage and the grandfather stage, so that you can reach the stage of wisdom in all aspects of your life.

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