Pineal Gland: Our Third Eye

Located in the center of the brain, its function is to control the body's rhythm, such as the biological clock and sleep. Some religious currents also call it the third eye, because it is very similar and resembles the features of our eyes.

And not only that, more and more studies are pointing out that the more the pineal gland is revealed, the better our relationship with the inner and outer world. From living more spiritually to being kinder and working with mediumship, as presented in behavioral studies.

From gland to soul

The first doctor to speak about the pineal gland was the Greek Galen of Pergamum who claimed that its function was to support blood vessels. This view of the gland remained intact for many years.

Until, in the 17th century, the French philosopher RenΓ© Descartes wrote that it had another fundamental role in our organism, it was to give rise to thought. He also said that it was there that information was processed and that it would have a relationship with consciousness.

Much has been discussed about this characterization of Descartes. Even so, many religions and philosophies began to believe this statement. For example, in Eastern philosophy working with Reiki, the pineal gland aligns with the location of the crown chakra.

What is it and what is its function?

The pineal gland is the size of an olive pit. It is responsible for the production of melanin, which regulates sleep. This discovery was only made in 1950. It is now much researched due to its relationship with sleep disorders and even cancer. In children, the pineal gland produces more melanin, which is why they generally feel more sleepy than adults.

How to activate it and make it cleaner?

Pineal Gland: Our Third Eye
Anna Shvets / Pixabay / Canva

The smaller the presence of external elements that impact on its functioning, the better it is. These tips also apply to so many other good functionings of an organism.

  • Beware of mercury: This is a main poison that can leave the gland with a lower concentration and make it impossible to function;
  • Opt for organic foods: Many pesticides are harmful to the pineal gland. Organic foods help to detoxify the toxins that accumulate in the gland;
  • Processed foods: Any processed foods can interfere with the best functioning of the pineal gland. Remember, toxins are not welcome in the gland;
  • Physical as well as mental exercises: they are great stimulants for the functioning of the gland. Ensure greater contact with yourself. From walking barefoot, stepping on the grass and even having more contact with nature helps a lot;
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