25 ways to be more productive

If there's one thing that makes all people the same, it's time, because we all have the same 24 hours a day and there's no way to bargain with the clock. If we all have the same amount of hours, why do some manage to produce more than others? The answer lies in habits. That's why we've separated 25 tips to help you make the most of your time and be a more productive person. See below:
1 - Planning

Having a whole day ahead of you not knowing what to do inevitably leads to idleness. That's why it's important to plan your days. You can write it down on paper or do it in your head. The important thing is to wake up already knowing everything that needs to be done throughout the day.

2 – Hard work in the morning

As soon as we wake up the body is more energetic than at the end of the day. So set aside the first few hours for the most boring and difficult tasks. If you manage to finish them, the rest of the day will yield more to the easier tasks that don't need as much energy.

3 - Focus

It's no use trying to do everything at once. When you divide tasks, in addition to being confused, the energy you put into each one ends up dispersing. So stay focused and try to do one thing at a time.

4 – Radio and podcasts

While we recommend focusing on one thing at a time, if you like to stay informed and get the news of the day instead of reading or watching TV, try to catch up by listening to the radio or a podcast on the internet. The advantage of audio is that you can listen to the news while doing other jobs, which is impossible when you get information by reading, for example.

5 – Quick Tasks

Some tasks take less than 5 minutes to complete. Do them between one big task and another. This helps to give rhythm to the day and not to overload you with very long tasks done one after the other.

6 – To-do list

Make a list of everything you need to finish for the day and put it in a conspicuous place. It's no use having a list that is hidden, because then it's easy to forget something. Keep your memory always on with this list that serves as a reminder.

7 - Second list

During the day, tasks will appear that were not planned and placed on the first list. Make a second tab with these new activities. As they weren't in the planning (and if it's not urgent) leave this list to add to the next day's list. That way, learn to organize unforeseen tasks without disturbing your routine.

8 - Your way

The best way to do things is the way that works best for you. You can even look for tips and tutorials on the internet and ask other people's opinion on how to work better, but learn to observe your own way and refine until you find the way that is most productive for you.

9 - Efficiency

Efficiency is getting things done within an adequate timeframe. Learn to see the clock as an ally and as a reminder that you can't get too busy. Gradually, you will discover how long it takes for each one and how to be more efficient.

10 - Priorities

When making your to-do list, be aware of what your priorities are. What's more important to you? What can't delay? What can be left to be done more at the end of the day? It is important to have priorities very well defined so that when unforeseen events happen you know what needs to be done more urgently. The more you know about your priorities, the less you have to think about making a to-do list, everything will become clearer.

11 – Tools and apps

If you find it difficult to adapt everything to your time, look for tools or mobile applications on the internet that help you to be productive. There are several with simple functions from reminders to more complete ones, which help you to time your tasks, among other functions.

12 – Cedo chord

The later you wake up, the more lazy you will be. So get used to waking up early. By doing this, your vital energy will be higher and will help you produce more and better.

13 - Meditation

Learning to meditate can be very helpful for productivity. When we learn to clear our minds and control our thoughts, we are less interrupted by misplaced ideas and ramblings that distract us.

14 – Observe your disposition

The organism of each person can react differently to the different routines and each one can have a moment of the day with more or less disposition. Although right after waking up we have a peak of energy, it is important for you to observe your body, how it reacts during tasks, to discover other moments of energy during the day. When you find out the time when they happen, readjust your tasks to take advantage of these moments in the best way possible.

25 ways to be more productive

15 - Organization

Getting organized isn't a drag, it's a necessity. Organizing your things, your tasks and your time is something essential for you to waste less time with banalities. So make storing your objects and organizing your routine a habit.

16 - Help

If there are tasks that are too difficult for you and they can be done much faster with help or someone else, do it. Don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. And when someone helps you, offer your help in something that person also struggles with. With one helping the other, everyone gains in productivity.

17 – Learn to say no

Many invitations and requests are made every day. If you say yes to everyone, you will end up with no time for yourself. So, as important as it is to help others, you can't say yes to everything. Learn to say no and, with that, gain free time. Choose well what you can really say yes, say no to banalities.

18 – Turn off notifications

One of the biggest time thieves nowadays is the cell phone and social networks. Turn off notifications from Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. You will be able to check all this when you finish your tasks. No need to be interrupted with every like or message you receive. Set aside a time for this and don't be disturbed outside of it.

19 – Improve your skills

In jobs that are more recurring, try to improve your skills. If you get more practice and learn new ways of working, it will help you to be more efficient. So, always be learning and improving your skills.

20 – Group tasks

Some tasks are similar and are β€œbroken”. Analyze what can be put together in just one task. Instead of doing some work piecemeal, it's more productive to put those pieces together and do it all at once.

21 – Don’t Hesitate, Do It

When you come across something that you don't know how to do, don't be questioning yourself too much. Do it the way you can, and as you do, you'll find more efficient ways to get the job done. The important thing is to do it, without hesitating or questioning yourself. The first step opens the door for the answers to come as you do the work.

22 - A good night's sleep

To produce well during the day, it is essential to sleep well at night. Go to bed early and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day. The more rested your body and mind are, the better you will be able to produce during the day.

23 – Look for good references

If you're struggling with a task or haven't figured out your own way of doing it, look for people who are experts at it. It is by observing the best that we can learn good tips on how to execute something very efficiently.

24 - Alternative

When you can't get a task done within the allotted time, try to reset the deadline right away. For example: "I couldn't clean my office today, so I'm moving this task to tomorrow afternoon." Never leave something without a deadline, as this can turn into endless procrastination.

25 – Have fun!

If there's a way to work harder and better, it's having fun. Try to face everyday tasks with good humor and fun. Doing them with a more positive attitude helps a lot to produce more efficiently. So work hard, but never stop having fun!

Text written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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