Physical activity as an aid during the pandemic

In March 2020, in España, the first death from Covid-19 occurred. Before that, on February 3 of the same year, the disease had been declared a pandemic and had massively hit Europe. Since then, the main recommendation of the world health authorities has been to stay at home. In this way, it is possible to prevent the coronavirus from spreading with such intensity and reaching more people than the health system is capable of serving.

Although social isolation is the best way to protect yourself from a disease for which there is still no cure, other problems have arisen from it. In addition to economic issues, such as rising unemployment and falling revenue from numerous businesses, physical and mental health were shaken.

Regarding the health of the body, for example, without the possibility of going to the gym, walking or simply leaving the house, many people have become more sedentary. They also began to eat with less discretion, resorting to more practical options that are not always healthier.

Added to this scenario are the uncertainties, fears and anxiety brought about by the pandemic. Not knowing what tomorrow will be like, most of the population faced difficulties in finding motivation to do even the smallest routine things. So it was necessary to seek psychological help to face this totally atypical scenario.

Once mental health is being taken care of with health professionals specializing in it, it is necessary to pay attention to physical health. And one of the ways to do this is with the practice of physical activity in the pandemic. Next, study why these exercises are so important in your daily life!

Physical activity in the pandemic

Regardless of the Covid-19 pandemic, we should all exercise regularly, although we don't. A study published by the World Health Organization in January 2021 showed that, in España, one in two adults has not performed this type of activity frequently in the last 15 years.

Physical activity as an aid during the pandemic
Siriwat Nakha / 123RF

If it weren't for social isolation, then we would already need to strive to end this negative statistic. But considering the pandemic scenario, we must dedicate ourselves even more to keeping the body active, to deposit a load of well-being in our minds and to develop new skills.

Remembering to follow a balanced and nutritious diet and to establish a routine for the days of the week, it will be even easier to find time to move your skeleton. And the benefits you will get from it are some of the ones we have listed below:

1) Feeling of well-being

The practice of physical exercises is responsible for stimulating the release of endorphins in the body, which promotes the feeling of well-being. You know when you do an activity that requires a lot of effort and, when you finish, you feel a lot of pleasure? It's the action of this hormone!

2) Strengthening immunity

Strengthening immunity is stimulated by the practice of physical exercises. That's because, by doing this, we train breathing, put our body to work, hydrate ourselves and make better use of the nutrients that our bodies store.

Physical activity as an aid during the pandemic
Nathan Cowley/Pexels

3) Control of chronic diseases

Chronic diseases like cholesterol and diabetes can be controlled through physical activity in many cases. So, to make sure you're doing everything you can to stay healthy, start exercising at home!

4) Promotion of relaxation

As much as physical activity demands a lot of effort, as soon as we finish performing it we have that feeling of accomplishment. Then a wave of relaxation takes over our body, expelling even the negative thoughts that can torment us.

5) Increased endurance and strength

The most evident results of the practice of physical exercises are the increase in resistance and physical strength, which help us to perform a series of activities more easily. However, it is important to remember that it is not recommended to do very intense exercises without professional supervision.

Tips for getting started

If you're one of those people who's never tried to exercise at home, because you think it's not going to work, get ready to change your mind. Next, follow our tips to start exercising without fear!

1) Start small

Instead of choosing very elaborate physical exercises to incorporate this practice into your life, start small. Choose those that you already know how to do and that don't require a lot of effort, so that you have more stimuli to continue exercising without suffering.

2) Set a routine

By setting a routine, you will have control over your exercise time, your food and even your shower time. Thus, your day will be organized more efficiently, making room for different activities that you want to do.

Physical activity as an aid during the pandemic
Kaboompics .com / Pexels

3) Wear comfortable clothes

You don't need to buy gym clothes to exercise at home. Since no one will see you, you can use those old pieces that are in the back of the drawers, but are super comfortable. That way, it will be easier to move your body according to what the exercise says!

4) Keep your body hydrated

Drinking water is something we should do all day, every day. During exercise, when we sweat a lot, it's even more important. So keep a pitcher of water or a bottle close to you, to remember to drink the liquid between each activity.

Physical activity as an aid during the pandemic
Daria Shevtsova / Pexels

5) Eat well before and after training

A good diet before and after training prevents you from having any discomfort while performing physical exertion. To find out which foods are most suitable for these two occasions, you can consult a nutritionist, who can even recommend the best exercises for your body.

Exercises to do at home

Now that you already know the benefits of practicing physical exercises at home and have the ideal motivation to do so, learn what activities you can perform without professional supervision! Remember to start with a stretch, okay?

1) Dance your way

Choose the songs you like the most, call your house and dance as you prefer. You just need to move all your limbs carefully and lightly, having fun. Forget any kind of concern about the judgments of others, after all no one is watching you!

Physical activity as an aid during the pandemic
Artem Podrez / Pexels

2) Go up and down the stairs

A great exercise for those who want to increase their own resistance and strengthen their legs is going up and down the stairs. You can do this with background music, and if you want, you can even carry something in each hand, as long as it's not too heavy. Look carefully at each step so you don't lose your balance!

3) Clean home

Combining the useful with the pleasant is essential when we're at home, isn't it? So, when it comes to keeping your home very clean, use your body! Broom, vacuum, mop the floor, clean the furniture and make everything shine. You will see how this activity will already require a lot of effort and will still bring a great result.

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4) Play with the pets

Pets are always indoors and having your company next to them is what they love most. So, enjoy your free time to play with these cuties, even if it involves a little mess at home. Who is the most physically fit?

5) Walk around the house

You won't find a simpler way to exercise than walking around the house. Although it is very easy, this activity will be enough to free you from a sedentary lifestyle, since the act of walking for some time, with intensity, already consumes a lot of energy. No more excuses!

From each information presented, it is possible to understand that it is essential to perform physical exercises during the Covid-19 pandemic, at home. The options for moving are many and can significantly contribute to your well-being, so create a routine, choose your favorite exercise and start moving!

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