When your only choice is to move on

Have you ever found yourself having to face the same situation more than once? That situation that is almost like déjà vu, but with the certainty that it has already happened. If you've tried it, you might wonder: why is this happening again? Why just me?
The biggest difficulty

Dealing with our inner issues has never been and never will be an easy task, no matter how many therapy sessions you attend or how many yoga classes you take during the week. Facing issues you'd rather escape from takes a strain that only you know about. But it's just like I said: I'd rather. You won't run away, not again.

Sometimes, the hardest thing is discovering that you still have wounds from situations you thought you had overcome and finding yourself having to face it all over again. This reality comes to light for a variety of reasons: sometimes you need to end a situation for good – like those relationships come and go – or you need to deal with an unfinished business – like a trauma from the past.

your biggest ally

When your only choice is to move on

The passage of time can be both an ally and an enemy. But in this matter, he is your ally. Time passes, people change, and that is their greatest strength. We have to be realistic, there is a great chance that you will repeat the same behavior, after all this is not a battle that depends only on the conscious, but also on your unconscious. Therefore, your greatest weapon is reflection. Whether meditating or grabbing a pen and paper, think about everything: how you acted in the past, what your feelings were, priorities, the context, and compare that to the present. And, first of all, remember: you are not the same person you used to be. This situation is repeating itself because you are stronger to face it fully, because you have grown up and it is time to show it.

“When history repeats itself, it is because we still have something to learn”. So pick up your book, review the old pages, and write new chapters. Grab your pen, your paper and your courage, after all, sometimes your only choice is to move on.

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