Omega 3, an ally for your health

    If you live in Spain, you have certainly seen on television or on the internet some advertising about the sale of omega 3. physical appearance with the consumption of this substance. But what are all these benefits of omega 3 after all? Do they really exist?

    Yes, they exist! In fact, omega 3 is very beneficial for health. This substance is actually a fat, but it is good for the body – in fact, it is essential for the proper functioning of our body.

    The fat considered good is unsaturated, rich in vitamins and fatty acids, responsible for several benefits for our body. Unsaturated fat is divided into two groups: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. And it is in this second group that the omega 3 fatty acid fits.

    But, after all, why is omega 3 so good?

    This polyunsaturated acid helps with the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, helps fight depression, obesity and diabetes, lowers stress levels and increases the feeling of satiety in the body (helping you feel less hungry longer).

    But the benefits don't stop there... Omega 3 also strengthens the heart and brain, assists in fetal and neural growth, helps reduce cholesterol, helps control blood pressure, strengthens the immune system and is also an antioxidant, or that is, it helps prevent inflammatory diseases, including that annoying swelling.

    How did I get it?

    Omega 3, an ally for your health

    Unfortunately, our body is unable to produce omega 3 on its own. Therefore, specific foods must be included in your diet for you to consume this fatty acid. You can get it, too, through supplements, marketed in capsule form.

    However, it is worth remembering that the supplement should be ingested only when indicated by a doctor or nutritionist, in cases that dietary intake is not enough and supplementation must be done.

    You can find this substance in several types of fish: salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, cod, sole and hake, in some leaves and vegetables: cabbage, arugula and spinach, also in seeds, such as chia and flaxseed and some oilseeds, like chestnuts and walnuts.

    Some industrialized foods contain omega 3, but in very small amounts and that do not supply the body's need.

    What is the correct amount to consume?

    There has been a long debate about the amount of omega 3 that should be consumed daily. After all, omega 3 is still a fat that, like sodium, carbohydrates and other food groups, if consumed in excess, can be harmful.

    There are doctors who recommend up to 4g a day of this fatty acid. Other professionals, however, believe that this same amount is precisely what begins to lead to complications in the body and advocate the consumption of up to 3g of omega 3 per day.

    Therefore, before making drastic changes in your diet, visit a doctor or nutritionist, so that he can indicate what is suitable for your body. Remember that each body is different from one another and therefore deserves personalized and specific attention.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team 

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