The Tightrope โ€“ The Balance Necessary for Living

    The Tightrope โ€“ The Balance Necessary for Living

    I don't believe in right and wrong. I see everything in a broader perspective, where I prefer to deal with terms like harmony and disharmony.

    Let's take nature as an example. Everything in it works because it is in balance, everything responds to an order, which to our eyes may not seem to exist, but which, yes, is there. However, if any element breaks this natural balance, it will soon wither, perhaps taking others with it, since in nature everything is interdependent.

    This idea of โ€‹โ€‹harmony, in my eyes, applies to everything, like a great cosmic law. In terms of human actions, we can see that this law also applies. It is worth remembering that many great traditions, philosophies and great sages talk about the importance of balance for living.

    It is a fact that we will see the importance of harmony in our lives, it is not even necessary to be a great thinker to conclude this, but what many ignore is that this importance is much greater and covers many more spheres of our lives than we are able to understand. ..

    Let's talk about people. What about a guy who has thoughtless attitudes, violent behavior and/or is lost on a dangerous and dark path? Someone might say โ€“ โ€œSo-and-so is completely unbalancedโ€. โ€“ And it really is. But not just him.

    Psychology has known and studied this for a long time, but we do what the ignorant do, we ignore it.

    Well, anyone who is out of harmony with himself, with the principles of his being, wants, joys, aspirations, etc. will be heading in a direction contrary to the law. And the law acts to guarantee the maintenance and evolution of everything. So what to expect from the effects of disharmony? Failure, destruction.

    And this is all self-inflicted. There is no other way, we walk a tightrope, it is obvious that without the necessary balance, you will fall to one side or the other. That's why it can seem so difficult to live, you find only a fine line to balance yourself.

    Now I ask you something, when a tightrope walker places himself on top of a rope and walks on it without apparent difficulty, do you know how he does it?

    First, good practice, second, to balance he needs to have full control of his body, to be focused on every muscle, every limb. Be mindful of the breath. His mind is much more present in his own body than in the rope itself. The attention he puts on the rope is only when it reacts to every step he takes. If the tightrope walker's movement is smooth and fluid, the rope responds in the same way, if he is brusque in his movements, so will it be. He reacts to the rope's movement and the rope responds to his as well. This creates a balance between movements, action and reaction. The rope reacting in one way to the inflicted movement and the tightrope walker responding to it in the best way.

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    And in our day to day? How do we react to the rope's movements? How do we move on the rope? And most importantly, where is our attention, is it just on the rope or are we paying attention to the way we move? Do we notice the body? Are they smooth or sudden movements? How do you think the rope reacts to these movements? Maybe the answers define the moment we find ourselves in life. How we have advanced or fallen as we walk the long, narrow line that life can be.

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