Old man cinnamon tea: what it is for, how to make it and benefits

Cinnamon tea is a drink known to most of the population, but have you ever heard of cinnamon tea? This liquid is produced from a common plant in the Northeast region of Spain, which appears in nature in the form of leaves.

In addition to being used in teas, cinnamon appears in other products, as it brings great health benefits. With the content we have prepared, unravel the main uses of this plant. From there, prepare your healing tea!

What is old cinnamon and where to find it?

Old cinnamon is a medicinal plant that receives the scientific name of Miconia albicans. Growing in tropical regions around the world, it can reach up to three meters in height, with hardy green leaves.

Old man cinnamon tea: what it is for, how to make it and benefits
Oscar Yoshinori Toyofuku de Getty Images / Canva

In general, cinnamon is sold in pharmacies in the form of capsules, ointments and gels. However, it is also available in herbal stores, in a dry version for making teas and sitz baths. But what exactly can cinnamon tea help you with? Find out more below.

Cinnamon tea benefits

As a medicinal plant, cinnamon offers some health benefits, especially when made into a tea. Identify how the herb works in your physical body:

1) Relief from joint pain

Joint inflammation, which causes pain and discomfort in certain parts of the body, can be relieved with cinnamon tea. This because It assists in the regeneration of cartilage around bones, reducing friction between them. So, with medical advice, drinking can be a complementary treatment for this type of problem.

2) Stimulation of digestion

Another benefit of cinnamon tea is to stimulate digestion. In this case, the drink prevents heartburn, nausea, bloating and other stomach discomforts. In addition, the plant is known to remove toxins from the body, improving liver health.

3) Rejuvenating action

Because it is rich in antioxidant agents, cinnamon tea neutralizes the action of skin free radicals, which cause aging. As a result, there is a rejuvenation of the largest organ in the body and a strengthening of nails and hair.

4) Aid in the treatment of candidiasis

In a sitz bath with cinnamon tea, it is possible to combat the development of fungi and bacteria in the intimate region of men and women. For this reason, it is said that the plant can help in the treatment of candidiasis. Despite this, always seek medical help to treat this disease.

Despite the benefits, cinnamon tea has a daily consumption limit: 500ml. So be careful not to consume more than you should, failing to take advantage of the drink for your body.

How to make cinnamon tea

Old man cinnamon tea: what it is for, how to make it and benefits
FabrikaCr from Getty Images/Canva

To enjoy the benefits of cinnamon in your body, you can consume it in the form of a hot drink. Below, find out how cinnamon tea is made, to reproduce it at home:


  • 10 to 15 grams of dried cinnamon leaves
  • 1 cup of water


After boiling the water, turn off the heat. Then add the cinnamon leaves, letting them rest for 10 minutes. Finally, strain the preparation and drink it while it is still hot, twice a day, for breakfast and before going to sleep.

Who can't drink cinnamon tea

Although cinnamon tea has benefits and is easy to prepare, we still need to be careful. After all, there are contraindications to cinnamon tea that can harm your health, instead of helping you. Therefore, you should not ingest the liquid if:

1) Anyone who is allergic to cinnamon

In this case, your body is resistant to some of the components of the plant. Therefore, tea will not act positively on your body.

2) Anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding

For a pregnant person, cinnamon tea can bring complications to the fetus and the pregnancy itself. In the case of lactating women, it is not recommended that the child consume this type of drink, even indirectly.

Also, some people question: β€œCan someone with high blood pressure drink cinnamon tea?”. Although this substance is a stimulant, the dysregulation of the heartbeat is not among the harms of cinnamon-de-velho tea. Respecting the daily consumption limit (500 ml), there are no problems.

Can cinnamon tea help you lose weight?

Old man cinnamon tea: what it is for, how to make it and benefits
jp photographer the Getty Images Pro / Canva

It is also common for many people to wonder if cinnamon tea can help you lose weight. However, weight loss is the result of a change in lifestyle and dietary reeducation. Therefore, having a drink will not bring about weight loss. Even though tea helps with digestion, it doesn't help you lose weight.

Does cinnamon tea have any side effects?

As everything in excess is bad, it's no different with cinnamon tea. If you consume the drink more than the recommended daily amount, you may feel unwell, due to an accelerated heartbeat, or have stomach discomfort. So it's better not to overdo it.

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Taking into account each information presented, we learned that cinnamon tea is a powerful drink, full of benefits for a person's body. In addition to relieving pain and improving digestion, the liquid favors rejuvenation. So drink your hot tea to enjoy all this, but in the recommended daily amount.

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