Eggplant water: benefits and how to prepare

I don't know if you know, but eggplant is a vegetable that has many health benefits. It gained the reputation of “the plant that heals” after the 20th century, because its consumption is associated with the control of several diseases, such as high cholesterol and diabetes. In addition, this vegetable is rich in water and antioxidants that help prevent heart disease.

Because it has a large amount of fiber, it also helps the functioning of the intestine. It is also a great source of vitamins such as C, K, B and A, and is rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium. Its daily consumption has great powers, but consuming it daily does not necessarily have to happen in the most usual way, that is, grilled, roasted or sautéed. You can also make the famous “eggplant water”. Have you heard?

The amazing thing is that eggplant can be found easily throughout the year and has an extremely low caloric value: approximately 30 calories per 100 grams, thus being able to be present in various menus and recipes, such as salads, lasagnas and pizzas. , in addition to helping even in many diets.

Eggplant water: benefits and how to prepare

Watch out for some benefits it can bring to your health:

Prevent cancer

The presence of oxidants such as flavonoids and proanthocyanidins makes eggplants have the purple skin color, as you surely know. These antioxidants help to reduce free radicals that may attack healthy cells and, in this way, protect the body against cancer.


For those who have constipation, eggplant water is a good choice, as the large amount of fiber it has acts as a bowel regulator and aids in digestion. It is worth emphasizing that it also helps to relieve fluid retention, so it is a good option for those who want to lose weight, but remember: drinking a lot of eggplant water will not make you lose weight! It can be an aid that promotes improvements to your body!

heart protection

The purple peel, which we talked about earlier, has anthocyanin, which is an antioxidant that acts to reduce the harmful cholesterol that exists in your blood, preventing an inflammation that causes plaques to build up in the vessels of the heart, called atherosclerosis (consequently improves the blood circulation and gives good health to the vessels).

Eggplant water: benefits and how to prepare

Hmm… did I hear cellulite?

Yea! The fatty foods we eat are the cause of the holes that bother many people. The good news is that eggplant water can also act as an anti-inflammatory to reduce cellulite!

After reading about so many benefits that eggplant can bring to our body, let's go to the eggplant water recipe?

You will need:

1 large eggplant;

1 liter of water;

1 jar or bottle to make the recipe.

To clean the eggplant:

1 bag of sodium bicarbonate;

1 liter of apple cider vinegar.

Eggplant water: benefits and how to prepare


First of all, wash the eggplant with the baking soda and apple cider vinegar. You can take a deep container, add 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate, a cup of vinegar tea and two of running water and wash it well so that the maximum of impurities is removed. Then wash it with plenty of water so that all the taste of the ingredients used for cleaning comes out. After that, cut the eggplant – it can be in slices neither too thick nor too thin, between 1cm and 2cm. In no way remove the peel, because it contains many of the important nutrients that will benefit your body. Add the cut slices to the bottle or pitcher you have chosen and then the liter of water. Finally, let the jar with the water and the eggplant rest for at least 10 hours. You can do it overnight before going to sleep. When you wake up, the water will be tanned and ready to drink.

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Eggplant water: benefits and how to prepare

Note: If you want to add lemon, know that it can be a great choice! Lemon enhances the effects of eggplant. Together, they speed up metabolism, helping to detoxify the liver and “relieving” hunger.

Tip: Having a glass of eggplant water before meals will speed up your metabolism and improve your digestion, promoting all the benefits listed above and being a factor that will contribute to your weight loss. But never forget: losing weight requires food education and physical exercises! Take care of your health and make this recipe to make your body healthier!

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