home remedy for flu

Who has never had a boring flu cast the first stone! Flu can be considered common, because often small carelessness, such as the lack of a coat on a cold day and even exposing yourself to the sun after a cold shower, make those symptoms of a cold soon appear: indisposition, runny nose, chills, fever, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pain, among many others.

When someone realizes that a cold is about to arrive, the search for recipes for natural and home remedies for the flu becomes automatic, after all, we all know that those recipes that our grandmothers made were β€œpotatoes”, but it is worth remembering that, even if most colds are cured without medical treatment, it is always advisable to consult a general practitioner and never substitute a professional's opinion or a prescription medication for a homemade prescription.

Of course, you can avoid taking some medications that only reduce symptoms and go for a natural cure, but even so, a doctor's opinion is essential.

Treating flu symptoms with home remedies is extremely beneficial to health. In addition to cutting the consumption of some drugs used routinely and often even compulsively, all natural ingredients offer many benefits to the body, in addition to relieving the aforementioned symptoms. Just imagine strengthening the body and still curing that annoying cold?!

home remedy for flu

Home treatments for the flu consist of the consumption of teas that have ingredients that act as anti-inflammatory, juices and fruits rich in vitamin C, in addition to the intake of foods that increase immunity. Obviously, drinking water is always very important, but when you have the flu, this importance is doubled, as it is important that the body stays hydrated and that the secretions are fluidized.

1 – Lemon tea with honey

This is certainly one of the most famous recipes and you've probably already enjoyed the benefits of lemon with honey at the time of a cold. Lemon has an antiseptic effect, in addition to being a great source of vitamin C, and honey acts to increase immunity. Shall we go to the recipe?


Juice of 1 large Tahiti lemon;

2 tablespoons of honey;

1 cup of boiling water.


Add the spoons of honey to the cup of boiling water. Stir until the honey dissolves in the water and add the pure lemon juice (no buds and seeds). Then drink the tea while it is still hot and remember to add the lemon juice last, so that no vitamin is lost with the heat of the water.

home remedy for flu

2 – Garlic tea

Famous recipe but subject of prejudice for not promoting good breath to those who consume it. For those who don't know, however, garlic, when diluted in water and rested for 20 minutes, releases great properties that activate the immune system, in addition to accentuating the effectiveness of medicines.


2 crushed garlic cloves;

1 and a half glass of water;

2 tablespoons of honey.


Put the garlic cloves and water in a pot and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the tea and let it cool. Add the honey and keep stirring until it dissolves. Drink then.

home remedy for flu

3 – Orange juice with propolis and lemon

Juice rich in vitamin C, fights the effects of free radicals and acts to increase antibodies. Propolis has antibacterial action and is a powerful anti-inflammatory.


2 oranges of juice or bahia;

1 Tahitian lemon;

2 tablespoons of honey;

3 drops of propolis.


Squeeze the two oranges and the lemon. Mix the fruit juices and sweeten with two tablespoons of honey. Finally, add the 3 drops of propolis and consume immediately.

home remedy for flu

4 – Ginger tea with lemon

Ginger is powerful when it comes to fighting inflammation! It acts as an antioxidant and also as an anti-inflammatory, as well as protecting the stomach and relieving poor digestion caused by some medications.


5 cm of ginger;

500 ml of water;

50ml of Tahitian lemon.


Crush the ginger (it is not necessary to remove the skin, just wash the root well) and place it together with the water in a pan. Let it boil for 10 minutes. Once cool, add the lemon and drink immediately.

home remedy for flu

5 – Pulmonary Tea

Pulmonary is a plant used to treat respiratory infections because it acts as a good expectorant.


1 tablespoon of dried lungwort leaves;

1 cup of boiling water.

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Place the leaves of the plant in boiling water and let it rest for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink when the tea is warm.

Did you like the recipes? Take care and don't forget to consult a doctor! Home remedies for the flu are effective and can help you with a recovery, but going to the doctor is still extremely important!

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