Cinnamon tea: benefits of the drink and how to prepare

We are often afflicted with ailments that, instead of being treated with drugs and traditional remedies, can be treated with natural alternatives, and tea is one of the most popular natural treatment alternatives. One of the most popular teas in Spain is cinnamon tea, which is widely ingested by women who are late menstruating, but this is just one of the many benefits of this natural and very beneficial drink.

the real cinnamon

Before talking about the benefits and ways of preparing this drink, it is necessary to make an important addition. There are two types of cinnamon: Ceylon cinnamon (also known as true cinnamon), grown in countries such as Sri Lanka, the Seychelles and Madagascar, and cassia cinnamon, grown in China and Indonesia. Cassia cinnamon is much cheaper than Ceylon cinnamon, so most products that contain cinnamon and that we buy around are not made with real cinnamon.

The problem with cassia cinnamon is a natural compound called coumarin, which can cause liver damage in people who are predisposed to liver health problems.

Both types of cinnamon have coumarin, but a German study published in 2010 showed that cassia cinnamon powder had 63% more coumarin than Ceylon cinnamon. According to herbal experts, it's impossible to tell the two types of cinnamon apart when they're already grated and in powder form, but you can tell them apart in their flake shape, which is quite common in spice stores. Cassia cinnamon has the more popular shape of a thick rolled sliver, while Ceylon cinnamon, real cinnamon, is also a rolled sliver, but much thinner and less dark in color.

Cinnamon tea is good for what?

The main benefits of cinnamon tea that may interest you:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • increased concentration;
  • stimulus for burning body fat;
  • elevation of physical and mental disposition to perform daily activities.

Despite the benefits of cinnamon tea, this drink divides opinion. That's because many say that cinnamon tea aborts, which would be a risk factor for pregnant women and those who are trying.

Regardless of the format, whether in powder or flakes, cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde oil, which has benefits such as speeding up metabolism and fighting diabetes. As it is also rich in antioxidants, cinnamon tea has more efficient antioxidant functions than garlic and oregano, ingredients well known for having this functionality.

Lowers blood sugar

Herbal experts claim that ingesting a maximum of six grams of cinnamon per day is very beneficial for people who want to reduce sugar levels in the body, because this spice acts on digestive enzymes, favoring the absorption of glucose by the cells of our body.

Another benefit of cinnamon-based tea is that it helps fight degenerative neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, as it has phenolic compounds rich in antioxidant properties, which makes it act actively against premature aging and diseases that affect our neurological functions.

In addition to all these benefits, you must ask yourself: what is cinnamon tea for? Cinnamon tea is also often used to speed up menstrual bleeding, making your period come faster than usual. In addition, it is common to drink the drink to improve digestion and to warm the body on cold days.

What are the harms of cinnamon tea?

Now that you already have the answer to “what is cinnamon tea good for”, it is important to understand what are the harms that this drink can cause, especially when ingested in an exaggerated way. Understand:

liver damage

Cinnamon tea is rich in an ingredient called coumarin. Although it doesn't harm humans in small amounts, a serving larger than 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder a day can cause liver damage, such as an infection.

diarrhea and intoxication

Any drink or food consumed in excess results in negative effects on the digestive system. Even though many people claim that one of the benefits of cinnamon tea is the control of diarrhea, the drink can cause it, in cases of intoxication, or make it worse. So be careful.


While cinnamon tea can be used to stimulate muscle development, it's important not to overdo it with the ingredient. That's because, in some cases, drinking the drink can intensify cramps in the body.


Among the answers to “what is cinnamon tea good for?”, you will see that the ingredient is indicated to reduce the amount of sugar in a person's blood. That is, if a person consumes tea in excess, he is likely to suffer from hypoglycemia, characterized by a lack of sugar in the body.

Who can't drink cinnamon tea

The harmful effects of cinnamon tea can affect anyone who consumes the liquid frequently. However, there are some individuals who should not drink the drink even in small amounts, either because of a pre-existing condition or a specific situation.

It is not recommended to drink cinnamon tea when you are in a feverish state, when you are in a hot environment or when you are very agitated. Also, anxious people should avoid the drink, and it is not recommended to drink tea after 16 pm, as it can interfere with sleep. Here are other situations in which drinking should be avoided:

Pregnant women

At some point in your life, you must have heard that cinnamon tea miscarries. However, there are no scientific studies that prove or rule out this possibility. For this reason, the ideal is that pregnant women do not take risks and avoid drinking at all stages of pregnancy.


Can someone with high blood pressure drink cinnamon tea? This is a common question and the answer is: it depends. Hypertensive patients should seek medical help to understand if they can drink cinnamon tea. That's because while coumarin can harm people with high blood pressure, other ingredients in cinnamon lower blood pressure.

People who have liver problems

As we saw earlier, cinnamon tea can cause damage to an individual's liver. Therefore, for a person who already has liver problems, such as infections or injuries, it is recommended to avoid drinking this drink, even in small amounts.

Frequently asked questions about cinnamon tea

If you have a specific question about cinnamon tea, the following list may help you answer it. Check out:

Cinnamon tea for weight loss?

As cinnamon tea helps in the digestion process and accelerates metabolism, the drink can help in the slimming process. However, it should not be consumed in excess, because the exaggeration will only bring harm to the body.

Is cinnamon tea abortifacient?

To say that cinnamon tea aborts is an uncertain statement. It stimulates uterine contractions, but it is not known whether these movements would be enough to terminate a pregnancy. So it is better to avoid it during this period.

Cinnamon tea during pregnancy: can pregnant women drink cinnamon tea?

So far, not enough studies have been conducted on the impact of cinnamon tea on a pregnancy. Some argue that cinnamon tea aborts, others are not sure about it. So the medical community usually contraindicates drinking during pregnancy to avoid any problems.

Does cinnamon tea make your period come off?

There is no concrete, scientific evidence that cinnamon tea speeds up menstruation, but the drink can relieve menstrual cramps. For this purpose, you just need to boil a cinnamon stick in a cup of water for five minutes and drink the liquid when it is warm.

How do we feel after drinking cinnamon tea?

Cinnamon tea is known to have a thermogenic character. That is, it raises the body temperature. After drinking the drink, you are likely to feel warmer and more willing to move. In small amounts, the liquid can bring a feeling of comfort.

I had cinnamon tea how long does it take to go down?

Although there is no scientific evidence that cinnamon tea accelerates the descent of menstrual blood, it is popularly believed that bleeding begins between one and two days after drinking the drink.

Cinnamon tea increases blood pressure?

In certain amounts, cinnamon tea can control blood pressure. However, if ingested in an exaggerated way, it can increase the pressure. For this reason, it is better for hypertensive people to avoid drinking if they cannot get the opinion of a healthcare professional.

Does cinnamon tea clean the uterus?

The uterus is a self-preserving organ of the body, just like the vagina. So it doesn't get dirty or with impurities. Even menstrual blood is something natural in the body and leaves the body with menstruation. As there is no scientific evidence that cinnamon tea stimulates blood flow, it is not possible to say that the drink cleans the uterus.

Cinnamon tea: benefits of the drink and how to prepare
Julia Topp / Unsplash

What is the best time to drink cinnamon tea?

A tea over coffee to start the day well, full of energy; in the afternoon, to warm up the cold days or take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life; at night, to rest and relax after a busy day… There are many possibilities to put tea in your routine and, according to experts, there is no right time to drink tea, whatever it is.

There's just one important consideration: if you're drinking tea to improve your digestive process, it's ideal to drink it one hour after meals or thirty minutes before meals. As for the other benefits provided by cinnamon tea, such as the acceleration of menstruation and the fight against degenerative diseases, it does not matter when it is ingested.

Many people wonder if drinking tea at night makes them sleepy, but the truth is, it doesn't. Experts warn that it should be ingested at least 40 minutes before going to bed, because that is the maximum period in which it can delay sleep. The recommendation is: if you didn't have dinner too late, it's ok to have tea to end the day, but if you ended up eating too late, it's better to leave the tea for breakfast the next day.

How to make cinnamon tea?

The simplest way to make this tea has in your recipe just 240 ml of water (a mug) and a cinnamon stick. You just need to heat the water, but be careful not to let it boil. After that, add the cinnamon and let it rest for 10 minutes. And that's it, the tea is ready.

Ways to prepare cinnamon tea

Many people who want to enjoy the benefits of cinnamon tea come across the strong and, for some palates, even unpleasant taste. There are many ways to make cinnamon tea more palatable and sweeter, all of course without using refined sugar or any other type of sugar. Check out other recipes for cinnamon tea variations below:

powdered cinnamon tea

Put a tablespoon of cinnamon powder in a cup with 240 ml of boiling water. Cover the container for 10 minutes. After that period, just wait for the drink to cool before drinking it. If you want, sweeten it with a spoon or two of sugar.

Cinnamon tea in stick or bark

In 150 ml of water, boil a teaspoon of cinnamon bark, or a cinnamon stick, for 10 minutes. As soon as this time passes, wait for the drink to cool, remove the peels or cinnamon stick and drink. To sweeten, add as much sugar as you like.

Cinnamon tea with hibiscus

In a liter of water, add a tablespoon of dried hibiscus leaves and a cinnamon stick. As soon as the preparation comes to a boil, wait 10 minutes. After that period, as soon as the recipe cools down, strain and drink. It is possible to sweeten it with sugar.

Cinnamon tea with lemon

Bring 250 ml of water to boil. But before the bubbles appear, turn off the heat. Then add a cinnamon stick. After five minutes, add the lemon juice. When the drink cools, it can be ingested. If you prefer, add a tablespoon or two of sugar.

laurel and cinnamon tea

First, boil a liter of water. As soon as the bubbles appear, add two cinnamon sticks and five bay leaves. Lower the heat for five minutes and then let the drink sit for another half hour. Finally, strain the tea and drink it. If desired, sweeten with sugar.

Cinnamon tea recipes for health problems

Cinnamon tea is a natural drink that can help you alleviate the symptoms of some health problems. In addition to the most common action of tea, which is to cure sore throat and cough, learn in what other ways it can help you!

1) Preventing diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes or want to avoid developing this disease, unsweetened cinnamon tea can help. That's because cinnamon accelerates the metabolism of sugar particles in fat cells, preventing this substance from accumulating in the body.

In addition, cinnamon features a compound called chromium, which increases a person's sensitivity to insulin, which is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels, which is key to fighting diabetes.

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So for this kind of tea, you should use real cinnamon. Use two cinnamon sticks for two cups of water. Boil for five minutes and once the drink is lukewarm, drink it without adding any sugar.

2) Combat cold and flu symptoms

Flu and cold symptoms include coughing, sore throat, runny nose, and being sick. If you are already undergoing treatment for one of these diseases, you can bet on cinnamon tea to speed up your recovery.

The reason for this is that cinnamon strengthens the immune system, ensuring that your body will respond better to whatever is attacking you. This ingredient also acts as an anti-inflammatory whose effect can be potentiated by other items in your kitchen.

Honey and lemon, therefore, are the primary ingredients in the perfect cinnamon tea recipe for flu and cold. Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Add a cup of hot water and enjoy!

3) Stimulate good digestion

If your body feels heavy and tired after eating, you may need to improve your digestion. And cinnamon tea can be a great ally in this case. But do you know what the explanation for this is?

Cinnamon, when ingested after a meal, has the ability to increase the body's caloric expenditure in the digestion process, accelerating metabolism. Because of this, you will feel your body lighter because of the drink, especially if it has a very powerful root.

Ginger is the ingredient that will make your cinnamon tea an important digestive. So, for this recipe, you will need half a liter of water, a tablespoon of cinnamon powder and a tablespoon of chopped ginger. When the water boils, add the other ingredients. Wait for it to cool down and drink it after lunch every day!

Whatever your purpose when preparing a cinnamon tea, know that it is very beneficial and brings many benefits to your health, such as lowering your blood sugar level and reducing the aging process. The only point of attention is on account of pregnant women. If you're pregnant, especially if it's an early-stage pregnancy, avoid this drink. For everyone else, she's free!

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