Green Tea: The Antioxidant Ritual Your Body Needs!

A warm drink made with water and natural herbs is what many of us need in our routine. In general, we resort to this preparation when we need teas for an upset stomach, but this is not the only use of these recipes. Green tea, for example, is a powerful antioxidant.

So, to enrich your taste buds and improve your health, the content we have prepared will show you the details about green tea. In the topics below, understand how it works in your body and why you should consider this drink in your routine. Surprise yourself!

What is green tea for

The question that should be on your mind right now is: โ€œWhat is green tea good for?โ€. After all, you already know that he is a good antioxidant, but what does that mean? What are the benefits of green tea on your body? Learn more about the effects of this drink:

Green Tea: The Antioxidant Ritual Your Body Needs!
kitzcorner de Getty Images / Canva

1) Stimulates brain function

As green tea is rich in caffeine, drinking it routinely can increase concentration and memory. It is even an important aid for those who need to be more productive at work or at school.

2) Supports digestion and the cardiovascular system

Green tea favors digestion and can help with weight loss because it has a compound that increases energy expenditure and increases the production of stomach acids. Therefore, it is easier to process food.

3) Offers energy

Another benefit of the caffeine present in green tea is the increase in energy for those who consume the drink. With the liquid, it is possible to increase the physical performance of an individual, so it is recommended for the practice of exercises.

4) Fights infections

A compound in green tea called catechin is able to fight the growth of bacteria and viruses. Therefore, the drink is a simple way to mitigate the effects of infections that can reach the human body.

5) Lowers blood sugar levels

Green tea is responsible for increasing the blood's reception of insulin, which lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, the drink can help control diabetes, when ingested without sugar.

6) Antioxidant action

The main benefit of green tea is its antioxidant action. Because of it, the body's cells and molecules are easily renewed, preventing premature aging and other types of related diseases.

How to make green tea?

Green Tea: The Antioxidant Ritual Your Body Needs!
photography by Pexels / Canva

If you are thinking of enjoying the benefits of green tea, know that it is very simple to prepare. While there is also a sachet version of the herb, this version is less pure than tea. So you may not get the effects you are looking for. That is, if you are wondering if green tea in a bag will help you lose weight, the answer is: probably not.

Fortunately, you can prepare your drink hassle-free by following the recipe:


  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of green tea leaves.


Heat the water in a pan and turn off the heat before it starts to boil, when the first bubbles rise. Then add the leaves and close the pan, leaving the preparation to infuse for three minutes. Next, you just need to filter and drink.

If you prefer a more elaborate preparation of green tea, you can prepare a matcha:

Green Tea: The Antioxidant Ritual Your Body Needs!
Linda Hughes Photography / Canva


  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 teaspoon of matcha;
  • 1 bamboo whisk.


As in the first recipe, heat the water without letting it boil. Then separate half of the liquid and pour it over the matcha in another container. Using the bamboo whisk, dissolve the herb. Finally, add the rest of the water and drink.

What is the best time to drink green tea?

Before drinking the green tea you have prepared, it is important to pay attention to the best time to ingest the drink. That's because, depending on your goal, the time you drink the liquid can help or harm your process.

To facilitate digestion and have more energy, for example, you should consume green tea about an hour before or after meals. If you prefer to take it on an empty stomach and you start to experience heartburn, it is best to take it after your meal.

On the other hand, you can also use green tea for a detox ritual two hours before bed. At the end of the day, you must prepare the drink enjoying each phase of the process, without haste.

When the liquid is already in a cup, go to a quiet and comfortable place in your house, where you feel at peace. As you slowly drink the green tea, reflect on the problems that plagued you during the routine, hoping they don't recur the next day.

When carrying out this type of reflection, with the help of tea you will realize that it is possible to cleanse your body and mind every day, recovering your energies and your good vibrations for new experiences.

Green Tea: The Antioxidant Ritual Your Body Needs!
Rido / Canvas

tea care

Even if green tea has great benefits and helps you a lot in a ritual, it is essential to take some care with the drink. See what they are:

  • Green tea can interact with medicines for hypertension and diabetes, being contraindicated in these cases. Pregnant women and people suffering from ulcers, gastritis or liver disease should also not take it.
  • Drinking more than three cups of green tea a day can put a strain on the liver, compromising organ function. It is also not recommended to drink the same type of tea for three months in a row, especially if it is green tea.
  • Before starting to consume green tea on a routine basis, seek the opinion of a health professional, to make sure that the drink will not harm the functioning of your body.

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  • Learn about the effects of caffeine on the body
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From the information presented, you already have all the knowledge you need to take advantage of the antioxidant action of green tea. With our tips, you will find that it is very easy to clean your body and your mind of what is worrying you during your routine. Feel good!

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