O Tai Chi Toroidal

    Tai Chi is a martial art with a system of generating forces inspired by the toroidal vortex, in which it rotates and spirals around an axis, until forming a dynamic sphere that moves like a pendulum, in all directions.

    This typical whirlpool movement is the only one capable of ABSORB, DESIGN e TO DODGE forces simultaneously without sacrificing stability. Therefore, the best Tai Chi exercises are those of spiraling and random movement, which expands and contracts, opens and closes, ascends and descends, advances and retreats, while rotating like a top and undulating along an axial center.

    Such serpentine, sinuous and dual movement is a secret of Nature hidden in the open, which the ancient Chinese only after much contemplation managed to discover, decipher and successfully harness in training.

    Transferring this powerful quality of toroidal movement to the body and mind rather than pushing and resisting with segmented and isolated linear force requires systematic and persistent neuromuscular and neurosensory training.

    O Tai Chi Toroidal

    In my classes, I first demonstrate on the arm a combination of rotation of the hand in both directions (clockwise and counterclockwise), followed by arching and unarcing between wrist, shoulder and elbow translation, to facilitate understanding by focusing on three isolated joints. Eventually, learners will transfer this spiraling, oscillating motion to the head, trunk, and other limbs. When applied to the spine, this new malleability in muscle and connective tissues, nerves and bones is called the “Craniosacral Reflex”.

    Creating this new postural reflex involves deprogramming and reprogramming the entire nervous system, it's a basic task for ten years of consistent training, study and tests, but it pays off — and rewards — every second of time and sweat invested in your learning!

    This internal structural re-education helps to avoid muscle stiffness that inhibits our natural fluidity. We are a living organism and we must move following fundamental motor patterns already imprinted in our DNA.

    Greater balance, increased state of release and relaxation, refinement of the senses, use of the unified body in all gestures and postures will bring incredible therapeutic and combative benefits in the medium term. In this progression, the disciplined practitioner will be able to move around with complete freedom and detachment: he will adapt instantly to any threat of violence, knowing how to neutralize forces and energies before they cause him serious damage (Tai Chi masters are famous for having escaped accidents, robberies and ambushes thanks to this rare skill).

    Through intelligence and consciousness, we are seeking in Tai Chi to replicate and embody a principle of order in this universe in perpetual pulsation and vibration.

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